For Stella

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by: azalea_21


"For work stuff!" Niall said, still trying to tie his tie and failing after every attempt. Harry, being the good friend he is, sighed and got off Niall's bed- walking up to the blonde and slapping his pale hands off his own tie.

"Hey!" Niall protested but shut up when Harry started tying his tie for him and adjusting his collar.

"Really Ni, what would you do without me?" Harry mused with a small smirk, causing
a dimple to poke out on his cheek.


Niall is a single dad and he's just afraid to fall in love.


"So, it's a date?"

Niall rolled his eyes at yet the same question Harry has been asking him since 2 hours ago.

"No it is not a date"

"But you're meeting her outside of work"

"For work stuff!" Niall said, still trying to tie his tie and failing after every attempt. Harry, being the good friend he is, sighed and got off Niall's bed- walking up to the blonde and slapping his pale hands off his own tie.

"Hey!" Niall protested but shut up when Harry started tying his tie for him and adjusting his collar.

"Really Ni, what would you do without me?" Harry mused with a small smirk, causing a dimple to poke out on his cheek.

Niall looked up at the taller boy, frozen in place at how close they were. Harry was still smirking, somehow being closer is making those green eyes even more clearer and Niall could feel his heart trying to escape from his chest at the rate it was going just by looking at Harry's face.

"Uh, Niall?" Harry broke the awkward staring and the blonde couldn't trust his voice right now so he just hummed in response.

"You're going to be late for your date" Harry said, stepping back. That amused smirk replaced with a small smile as he left Niall's room.

Niall sighed, turning to look back at the mirror. It wasn't a date, Niall knows it wasn't a date.

It was a professional thing and besides his 3 year old daughter - Stella didn't know Harry yet so it'll be a good thing for them to spend some time together.

Why, you ask? Because Niall has known Harry for a total of 91310 days (3 months) and he is confident when he says he just can't stop thinking about that goofy smiled, long limbed, curly haired, sexy dimpled guy since they met.

Now all he needs is to grow some balls to ask him out, which he doubt he'll do any time soon.

Speaking of soon, Niall pocketed his wallet and phone quickly before going down the stairs to find Harry and his daughter already comfortable on the couch as an old Barbie movie played on the screen.

"Cologne? Definitely a date." Harry mumbled as Niall bent down to kiss Stella who was sitting next to Harry.

"Try to actually pay attention to Stella not enjoy the barbie so much yeah?" Niall ignored Harry's comment and the brunette stuck his tongue at him. Niall laughed as he slipped his shoes on and left the two of them after he shut the door behind him.

When Niall unlocked the front door, it was 11:15 pm and Harry was making tea in the kitchen.

"Stells asleep?" Niall asked, tossing his tie on the counter top and taking a seat on one of the stools. Harry turned around to look at him and raised two eyebrows in question.

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