Love Doctor

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By: ForeverUnited93


Or the one where Harry is taken to the hospital with a smoking hot paramedic and is determined to get his number. 


Part 1

Harry's POV

"So what did you say happened again?" A blond haired, blue eyed paramedic asked in the ambulance on its way to the hospital. I hung my head in shame and muttered, "I accidentally swallowed a bee."

"And how did this happen sir?"

"I was just causally eating a sandwich with my best mates and I guess I wasn't paying attention to the sandwich and I swallowed a bee."

"You're not allergic are you sir?"

"No I'm not."

"Well sadly I can't do anything right now but when we get to the hospital, we'll get you fully checked out." I just nodded and remained quiet. I was thankful that my friends Liam and Zayn had noticed the bee, although they couldn't really stop me from swallowing it. That rotten little sucker went down hard. I can almost feel it walking around inside me. Yuck.

The ride to the hospital was already twenty minutes in, which is not my fault that I live in a rural place. I just wished that either Liam or Zayn could have rode with me because this guy was smoking hot. He was young which surprised me, how could he be this young and be a doctor?

I tried to not check him out but it was near impossible. How could a guy of this magnitude be a doctor? He would cause the patients more pain by just looking at them. It was as if he was the sun, bright and smoking hot.

What was I saying? I didn't even know this guy, let alone think such things about him. The rest of the ride was spent in silence, I didn't want to make a fool of myself by asking for his number, and I didn't even know if that was a good idea.

I mean I'm a patient and he's a doctor and quite frankly that just screams role-play to me. And trust me when I say that I'm not into role playing. When we reach the hospital, he gently leads me to the emergency room and just leaves. I sighed.

Of course he wouldn't be the one to check me out. As much as I wanted that to happen, the fates just probably wanted to mess with me today. Like they always did. I was checked out by someone that reminded me of Zayn and was free to go.

"Just contact us if you experience any stomach pains because the bee's stinger may get stuck in your intestines." A nurse told me. Good to know. I quickly contacted Liam to come pick me up and thank god that he did because some old lady was chatting me up.






"Harry what are you trying to do?" Liam asked me not even the minute after he left me alone.

"Trying to get back into the hospital?"

"By burning your food Harry? If anything you'll just attract the firemen and I know those aren't your type. Did you find someone at the hospital?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You're trying to give yourself a burn over first degree. No part of love is worth that kind of pain. Spill."

And I proceeded to tell him about the blond paramedic, at last minute I changed what his profession was because he did only work with me until the nurse came into the room.

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