I Love You in A Place Where There's No Space and Time

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by: baloonflies


"Daddy doesn't have to know" she says, eyes Niall through the rear mirror. Niall knows she learned this from him; not telling Daddy when Niall breaks his mug or when they eat ice-cream even though it's cold out. Niall laughs, looking at her furrowed brows and pouty lips.

"No, Daddy doesn't have to know" he agrees and starts the car.


Harry's a single dad, Niall's the free lance guitar instructor, Liam and Louis are not-boyfriends and Zayn is overprotective.


It’s 12:47 and if cars don't start moving soon he’s going to be late to pick up Matilda from school. He promised Harry he would pick her up so Harry could have some well deserved rest after their ice skating date.

He finally escapes traffic in 5 minutes but is still 2 minutes late. School has already let out and Matilda is sitting outside on the bench with her teacher. Niall wants to scold her teacher for making her wait outside, because it's freezing cold day, but he is the one who's late so he shuts his mouth.

"Hey, monkey" he says as he gets closer.

"Nialler!" Matilda shouts, running up to him to give him a tight hug. Niall picks her up, even though Harry always tells him not to; she's 5 already and doesn't need to be carried around. "You’re late" she pouts.

"I'm sorry, monkey, I got stuck in traffic" he explains, giving her a kiss on both cheeks. "So why don't I make it up to you by taking you to the mall and buying you some toys?" he says, tickling her chest.

"Nialler" she squeals, laughing into Niall's neck "Dadd- Daddy said no more toys" she says through laughter.

Harry did say no more toys. He's been saying this for the last two years, but that hasn’t stopped Niall before from spoiling Matilda and it won't stop him now.

"Daddy also said no more candy" Niall says, putting her in the back seat and buckling her belt; "but I see one of those hidden lollipops in your pocket" he teases, looking as Matilda blushes and tucks the lollipop further into her pocket.

"Daddy doesn't have to know" she says, eyes Niall through the rear mirror. Niall knows she learned this from him; not telling Daddy when Niall breaks his mug or when they eat ice-cream even though it's cold out. Niall laughs, looking at her furrowed brows and pouty lips.

"No, Daddy doesn't have to know" he agrees and starts the car.

He buys her two stuffed toys and a Nerf gun, and he regrets it two minutes later when she starts shooting everyone in the mall with it.

"I want ice-cream, Nialler" she says, aiming her empty gun at his face.

"Sorry kiddo, no ice-cream today, but we can have cheesecake later" he says, taking her hand in his and getting into an elevator. "Now; how about we meet someone?" he asks.

"Who" she asks, bouncing on her feet "Nialler, who? Tell me" she whines

"I dunno" he says, rubbing his chin "how about Santa Claus?" he asks, looking down at her.

"Nialler!" she shouts "I want to meet Santa, Niall please, let’s meet Santa, please, please, please!" she begs, jumping up and down as they step out of the elevator.

"We are meeting him, monkey" he laughs as he spots his best friend dressed like an elf and standing next to a way-too-young Santa. "Look" he says as they walk closer.

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