Nobody Said It Was Easy

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by: ifzi0531


“I’m gay.” Harry says, making Niall choke on his drink and he coughs slightly. It takes him over a few more seconds to breathe properly, before he shakes his head, blinking his eyes, staring at Harry.

“Excuse me?”

Harry chuckles. “I’m just saying. Cause you seemed to be so sure that I have a wife back home.” He points out, smirking at Niall.


Harry and Niall are in a relationship, and nobody said it was easy.


“Hello, Dr. Sexy.”

Niall snorts, shaking his head slightly, before he glances up from his clipboard and of course, standing beside him is one of the nurses at the hospital, which is also happens to be one of his best friends. “Hi, Louis. And by the way, I told you not to call me that, it’s been years.” Niall says, trying to glare disapprovingly at his friend but end up making Louis laughing out loud instead.

“Well, it’s still fun to see your blushing cheeks every time I bring that out.” Louis points out and Niall rolls his eyes. He slaps Louis playfully with his clipboard, earning a pout from the other guy.

Niall still remember the story that took place a couple of years ago, when he was just starting his work at the hospital. Louis started working at the same time as Niall too, and they hit it off as friends right away. It was not long after they met, they had been assigned to treat their first patient and of course Louis was in the same team with Niall too. The patient had called him Dr. Sexy, which of course, had been heard by Louis and since then Louis used it to tease him mercilessly.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Niall asks, they both walking side by side to the north wing of the hospital. Niall had just finished the examination with one of his patients and he was not sure about Louis.

“Just finished with the last patient today.” Louis replies to Niall. “How about we get some coffee in between? My shift will end in an hour though.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows, trying to coax Niall to join him to release his boredom.

Niall smiles at his friend. “Well-,“ Niall is about to give his reply to Louis when Zayn suddenly appears in front of them and his gaze is directed towards Niall.

“Niall, I need your help. There is a guy with his daughter, seems like she had a bit of an accident and probably broke her arm. But I need to leave now because my mum is going to kill me if I don’t reach the event on time. Can you cover for me, please?” Zayn asks, a little bit breathless, and by the look of it, Niall knows how important the event is for Zayn.

So, naturally, Niall nods. “Of course I can. Where is the guy and his daughter?”

Zayn smiles. “At the waiting room of the ER.” He tells Niall, before reaching down to cup Niall’s face and kiss both of his cheeks. “You’re the best friend ever.” He says, before he starts to walk towards the exit door.

“Hey, what about my kiss?” Louis asks, sulking and pouting slightly, which only earn a wave off by Zayn. “Later!” He shouts back.

Niall shakes his head at his best friends before he turns to look at Louis. “Sorry, Louis. It looks like you have to get the coffee by yourself.” He says, smiling apologetically at the other guy.

Louis rolls his eyes. “Fine. Everybody wants to leave me alone.” He says dramatically, before taking off towards the direction of the cafeteria.

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