I Come Alive When I Hear Your Voice

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by: libra_sun


"You can not do that!!! You are not allowed to fuck me until I see galaxies exploding like never before on our anniversary and then leave me alone in the morning!"

The one where Niall leaves the next morning and everything is a little less complicated than what Harry thinks.


It is not because whatever he had on his forehead was poking his eye that Harry woke up in a bad mood. It was because he felt no arms around him and no body anywhere in the bed. However, it was not until he rolled on his chest that he noticed things were not how they were supposed to be.

Today was Saturday. That was probably the only thing he had clear right now. Last night events made everything in his mind blurry but, that he knew, and being Saturday meant one thing:

"No one is allowed to leave the bed or stop cuddling until the other wakes up"

It was a rule. Saturday was sacred. With their jobs, specially Niall's, it made it really hard for them to spend mornings cuddled in bed. Which is why Niall had started that rule in the first place. So, why is he not here?

As he scrubbed his face against the pillow, he noticed he had something on his forehead. This is not how this morning is supposed to go.

What the fuck is this thing almost poking my eye

Reluctantly, he moved to his back and grabbed what felt like a paper. Not any paper, he realized as he opened his eyes. It was one of Niall's pink appointment post its.

Went to grab breakfast, love you angel! xx

love you angel...

love you angel...

love you angel...

How dare him! Harry was outrage! Niall fucking Horan was the one who made the Saturday rule and here he is leaving to get stupid breakfast! Harry has never ever moved from bed if he woke up first. Not even to pee.

Even though that was on him, not Niall. He never moves because he remembers how sad Niall was the day he said it "I love you so much! You are my heart and I don't even get to hold you in the mornings, and today is Saturday and I just want to hold you, wanna hold you for a long time every Saturday because it is sometimes the only day I can."

He doesn't even think Niall remembers much of what he said. He was half asleep, but Harry did and every Saturday he remembered until it became a thing an understanding on both sides. No one goes away from the bed.

Now that he thinks about it, he supposes he should think it is sweet that Niall went out to get them breakfast. It was probably because of all the things he was rambling last night about how today he wanted breakfast like a king. Niall always listened to him, even if it was just some random thought of Harry, he always did. Even when Harry thinks he does not. He proves him wrong.

However, today was not the day he is going to think it is sweet. If it was any other Saturday, Harry would have not minded one bit. But, yesterday happened and last night happened and today was not a normal Saturday.

Somewhere in the dark thoughts of his head, he thinks that if Niall really cared about today or yesterday, their special days, he would have not left. He would have stayed holding him no matter what. After all he is award winning superstar, Niall Horan and Harry is just Harry. He can't help but feel like nothing sometimes, next to Niall, who is everything.

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