I'll Be Here Waiting

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By: nawrry


"Hi baby," he whispers, feeling a little foolish for talking to someone who can't hear him. "I'm here, it's me. I wish you would wake up." He sits for a moment, watching Harry. "I really wish you would wake up, sweetheart. I miss you and I have so much to say to you." He finds his words much easier now.

Harry gets in an accident after he and Niall have a fight, leaving Niall to wait by his bedside until he wakes up. Niall reminisces on a bunch of stuff and I'm horrible at summaries.


Harry's hand is cold, limp and unfamiliar as Niall entwines his fingers with it. He almost winces at the feeling, Harry's hands are always warm, Niall can always count on his curly-haired boyfriend to take his colder hand and warm it in his almost instantly. But now Niall just feels cold, empty. Through blurry eyes he looks up at his boyfriend, his eyes shut tightly and a scary looking cut on his forehead. He got the call just an hour ago, his phone ringing in the middle of the night to inform him of the bad news. He thought maybe it was Harry, calling to apologize and talk over the phone before seeing each other, but instead it was a stranger, informing Niall that there had been an accident and he should come in as soon as possible.

The doctor said it wasn't Harry's fault, that someone had tried to make a red light and collided into Harry's side of the car. It was an accident, but it certainly didn't feel that way to Niall. It was his fault, he was the one who yelled until Harry stormed out, he was the one who didn't stop him from leaving, he might as well have been the one who rammed into Harry's car. Niall chokes back a sob and squeezes Harry's hand tighter, hoping to force some life back into him. He wants to forget the fight, but it keeps replaying in his head like a broken record.


"Where is this going, Niall?"  Harry demands.

"What do you mean?"

"We've been together for four years. And don't get me wrong, they've been the best four years of my life, but I'm tired of waking up every morning and wondering when it's going to end. I'm afraid I'll wake up and you'll be gone and these last four years will have meant nothing." Harry's voice gives out as Niall feels a flame strike up in him.

"Do you really think I would do that? Am I that horrible of a person?" Niall yells. Harry is silent, looking down at his hands. The boys are in their room in their apartment, the one they moved in together to a year ago. Harry remembers the spat they had when they were picking out their bedding, Harry wanted blue and Niall wanted grey, they settled on white because it made them feel like they're sleeping in a cloud. The whole thing seems so trivial now.

"Niall, everytime I bring up marriage or the future you run away. I know you know you do. How do you think that makes me feel, that you'd rather do anything but marry me?"

"I do not run away!"

"You do!" Harry pleads. Niall runs his hands through his hair, searching for an answer.

"Harry, look at my parents' marriage. It ended and it was horrible. Can you blame me for not wanting to go through that?"

Harry stands up and tries to take Niall's hands, but he pulls away. "I know it was hard on them. But god, Niall that can't stop us from trying. I want to marry you, I want to be with you forever. Isn't that enough?"

"I just need some time, Harry!" Niall snaps. Harry's expression firms, his eyes darker than Niall's ever seen them.

"Fine," he mutters, reaching for his keys. "I'll give you some time."

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