Heart Beats Fast

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by: storyofmine


Niall has been sick for a few days now. Stubborn as he is, he doesn't want to get checked-out by a doctor. When Niall's condition worsens drastically by night, Liam - his best friend - has no other choice than to drive him to the hospital - before it's too late.


The last time Niall Horan had a doctor's appointment, he screamed when the intern called out his name, tried hiding in a cupboard and "accidentally" kicked the doctor's knee while said doctor tried giving him a flu jab.

If you can't tell: Niall hated doctors and everything related to medicine with a passion.

Which might explain why he'd rather lay in bed and cough his lungs out than see a doctor. He didn't like the fake smiles or the other ill people in the waiting room. The interns were rude most of the time and in the end, the doctor would just prescribe some medicine which Niall wouldn't even use after all.

He just had a cold anyway. No need to be concerned or to panic, which Liam definitely did.

Liam - Niall's best friend and flatmate - had a heart made out of gold and his first priority was to look after his friends and family and make sure that they are fine. He was kind of like a papa bear - tall, muscular, protective, caring... But most importantly, he was the best friend Niall could wish for and he was incredibly thankful to have Liam Payne in his life.

Right now, Liam took it a bit too far though. At least in Niall's opinion.

Even though Niall was pretty sure he just had a cold, Liam was convinced it was something worse. He thought Niall wasn't in the right condition to think rationally and that's why his blond friend wouldn't admit that he had a brain splitting headache or that he was freezing although he sweat through two duvet covers.

Plus, Liam saw just how pale Niall really was and the way the purple bags underneath Niall's beautiful blue eyes looked painful. His blond locks sticked to his wet forehead and his lips looked almost blue. He hasn't eaten anything in a day and a half and the water, which Liam had to fight into him, left his body in the form of sweat practically in an instant. No need to put into words just how concerned the brown haired man really was.

Liam had tried to get Niall out of his bed to bring him to the doctor's office but not only did Niall gasp in pain every time Liam moved him but the blond boy said (more like exhaustedly whispered) some nasty things about not wanting to go to one of those pretend-healers who wanted to poison him.

As much as Liam loved his best friend, he absolutely didn't like his stubborn side. He just wanted to keep Niall safe and that was by taking him to a doctor before Niall felt worse.

Right now Liam couldn't do anything but watch his best friend laying restlessly in bed and changing the cool flannel on his forehead. It has been like this since midday. Before that, Niall felt ill as well but he couldn't do anything really since noon. It hurt Liam to see Niall like this. He just wanted to help.

Around dinner time, Liam left Niall's bedside for the first time in a few hours to get something to eat. Niall wouldn't want to eat something, Liam was sure about that, but he needed to at least try. So, that's why he took the leftover chicken soup out of the fridge in their kitchen and put it into the microwave to heat it up.

While Liam waited for the microwave to beep, he prepared a cheese sandwich for himself. Niall may not be hungry but Liam didn't eat anything all day as well and his stomach signaled him to eat something or else he'd be as useless as Niall was at the moment.

A few minutes went by and Liam sat back on Niall's mattress. After he put the food down on the side table, he caressed Niall's forehead with his hand, getting even more concerned about the heat the boy was radiating. It was actually very scary.

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