You Said You've Been to the Sky, We'll Go Beyond That (!!)

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by: thestorans


Niall was nothing but an assistant. Unless it was for sex, then, well, he was Harry's baby boy.


Niall was struggling to catch up to his boss, people were trying to rush past him, cameras in their hands as well as notepads and microphones. It was hectic in the airport, and they had just landed.

"Mister Styles, is there any new weaponry devices coming up for the future of Great Britain?"

"Mister Styles, have you managed to find any love interests or is there too much weight on your shoulders already?"

There was many questions being spat out, and Niall had almost tripped when someone came lunging forward with a recording tape, trying to get any words that would come from Harry's mouth. But Niall knew his boss too well, and the look on Harry's face showed he wasn't planning on talking any time soon.

He had managed to take a large step forward until he was right beside Harry, now almost hip to hip with the tall man as they rushed through the airport, cameras blinding them and words being thrown at them left and right. It was overwhelming for Niall himself, and the questions weren't even directed at him.

It amazed the blond sometimes, how Harry Styles seemed to do everything and take everything as if it was simply riding a bike or catching a ball. He was one of the worlds smartest and famous business men and mechanics in the world, a mastermind and almost considered a god to some people.

They had reached the doors now, and Harry moved forward first, pushing them opened and then going through, Niall grabbing the door after to pass through them. And then they were outside in the heat of Las Angeles California, one of the places that Harry had his many mansions.

They stopped though, right at the sidewalk to the parking lot, and there seemed to be even more reporters then before, all of them like a swarm of bees around Harry and him. Niall could feel his claustrophobia kick in, but the blond held his ground and lightly moved his hand out to get some space from the frantic people, still squished to Harry's side.

"I have no plans for any relationships at the moment, and there won't be for a long time till my job is done. I am not able to release any information on my projects because that is strictly government known." Harry answered, his voice was mellow and perfect, no worry in his tone, no frustration. His eyes squinted in the sunlight, and he didn't meet anyone in the eye.

People were now intrigued after he had answered, and people were now calling out more questions, pushing more and more forward like a tight circle around him. Niall just had to simply endure it, trying to take in deep breaths as he felt sweat build up at his back, his suit sticking to his skin like all the air was sucked out of a bag.

But then Niall felt a light tug at the cuff of his jacket, and he barely was able to look up before he was once again at Harry's side, but this time his bosses lips were pressed against his ear, breath hot and voice low as he spoke in a whisper. Still skillfully ignoring the questions of the many hungry reporters.

"I want you face down, ass up and on the bed as soon as we get home."

Harrys breath was hot and stern in Niall's ear, and the business man didn't even care about the good thirty people surrounding them begging for answers and prodding microphones at his face. People could've heard, someone could've been lurking too close for comfort.

"Yes, Mister Styles." That's really all Niall could say, his tone authoritative and professional. He could control his voice, sure, but he couldn't control the pink shade that blossomed across his cheeks as Harry turned his attention back to the crowd, answering a couple more questions.

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