I Can't Feel My Leg

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"You have to what!" Zoe said, starting to panic.

"We'll have to do an above the knee amputation." Oudyk said.

"Is there any other option?" Zoe asked. Oudyk shook her head.

"No. I'm sorry Zoe, but you need to have your leg amputated if you want any hope in walking again." Oudyk said.

"How do I walk with one leg?" Zoe asked.

"In a few weeks, we will fit you with a prosthetic leg. Our prosthetist will work closely with you to get almost full function back." Oudyk said. Zoe and Evan were silent.

"So I'm going to give you some time to accept what is being asked of you. I'll be back soon to get you for surgery. If you have any questions, let me know." Oudyk said. She smiled before turning and leaving.

"Evan. How did this happen? One minute I was driving and now I'm waiting to have my leg amputated." Zoe whispered. Evan sat beside her on the bed and pulled her into his arms.

"I know Zoe. It's awful. But the other option is probably a lifetime full of pain and correcting surgeries that won't work. If this wasn't the best option, Oudyk wouldn't have said it was necessary." Evan said. Zoe didn't respond but looked down at her leg.

"I'm going to only have my left leg after this." Zoe said softly. Evan hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"I know. And it's going to be hard but I'm going to be here the entire time helping you." Evan said.

Zoe sighed and rested her head on his chest, not responding. Evan sighed softly and hugged her, keeping her close to his body until Oudyk came back.


"Evan." Zoe whispered. Evan looked at her.

"I'm right here baby." Evan said softly. Zoe opened her eyes and had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh baby, oh baby please don't cry." Evan soothed.

"I-It's gone!" She sobbed.

"I know. Oh baby, I know. But it'll be okay." Evan soothed, climbing beside her and hugging her. Oudyk walked in and smiled sadly.

"Hi Zoe, how are you feeling?" She asked gently. Zoe didn't respond.

"She's not so good. She's very upset." Evan said. Oudyk nodded.

"That's expected. She did lose her leg. It's been a very rough day." Oudyk said.

"She cut off my leg. She cut my leg off, I want her out." Zoe said. Oudyk raised an eyebrow.

"Did you not hear me? You cut off my leg! Get out!" Zoe yelled. Oudyk nodded and turned to Evan.

"I'll come and explain the action plan in a bit." Oudyk said. She turned and left the room.

"Zoe, she's just trying to help." Evan said softly.

"I don't need her help. Her help is what got me here in the first place." Zoe snapped.

"Okay. But she's coming back soon to explain the action plan. You need to listen, and be nice to her." Evan said.

"You're not my parent Evan." Zoe snapped.

"I know. But she's just doing her job. You need to let her." Evan said. Zoe rolled her eyes and Evan shook his head. After several minutes of silence, Zoe spoke again.

Dear Evan Hansen one-shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora