Chapter 23-The bullies apologies

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*Jin's POV*

Sophia started laughing."Wait, so you're telling me, Quinn came back from the dead and has been training at this boot camp just so she could tell My boyfriend that he has a daughter?"

I saw my brother eyes blink. He never blinks his eyes that often, but for a second it look like had the power to see. The look he was giving Sophia made me almost laugh myself. "Ex boyfriend Sophia. EX. He dumped you, don't forget that"

Sophia's laugh suddenly stopped and her face was plastered with anger. Dylan didn't give her a chance to talk because he soon sat down trying to sink all of this through. Hell! I was even spooked. I did not believe it. I couldn't believe it. There is just no way. She died. But the more that I thought of it, the more I kept thinking maybe it is possible that Quinn never actually died. It wasn't on the news, there was no funeral, I didn't talk to her mother to confirm it. Jackson has tried so hard to get me to stay away from the family. Now I see why

So it might be possible.

"Wait, I couldn't be the father...I mean..we...we used protection so-

"Well something must have fucked up. Dream looks exactly like you" Matt added

"So you're telling me, that hot babe of a girl, is Quinn?" Nick asked pulling up a chair next to me.

"Don't call her a hot babe" I hissed

He frowned "oh come on, you have to admit, who would have thought she would have turned out to look like that."

"Still doesn't make it right, she was still a human being that deserved the same respect as everyone else did" Matt said

Zack took the two pieces and looked at it. "The resemblance is incredible. How did you find out? I'm so confused" Zack added.

My brother just stood there. Looking at all of us as if we were stupid. "So you're telling me a blind kid could see it but none of you saw it?-

"I mean we had the impression she was dead" Sophia said

"Well she's not. She just wanted to come here and let Jin know about Dream...but again, you all chased her away, just like you did in high school"

Everyone's faces dropped

"She slept with my boyfriend" Sophia interrupted

"Again, my brother is not your boyfriend! Get over it" Matt said making sure to put more bass in his voice so Sophia can get it. It didn't take long for them to start arguing.

I was speechless. I didn't know whether to feel like a total dick, happy or whether to be angry. Was she in on it? Did she purposely tell Jackson to tell me she was dead? Why would she wait years to tell me about my kid? I suffered for years with depression. I wanted to end my life because of this. And now she wasn't even dead. She looked me straight in the face and acted as if she was a different person. I felt so stupid.

"Do you feel as stupid as I do?" Dylan whispered.

I shrugged

"Well at least we all have our chances to apologize-

I stood up "I have to go"

I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to be far away from his. I need time to think. To breathe. It's funny how even when I thought she was dead, I still fell in love with her all over again.

"Where you going?" Matt said grabbing my arm. I yanked it free "give me time" I begged. But like I expected he followed me out the door. "Time for what?" He asked.

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