Chapter 6-Erotic

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Roxy stood in the front giving me the most ice cold look. Her facial expression did not move at all. She just stood there. Like a lunatic. Even the teacher was a bit confused. "Excuse me? Your name?" The teacher asked walking over to the star struck Roxy. In return Roxy bounced back and looked at the teacher up and down with pure disgust. I really think she has something against fat people because she was giving our teacher the same look she gave me. "Do you want to sit down so I can start with class?" She asked. Roxy gave her a sneer "sit down? Me? I'll sit down when I want to alright?! You're not my mother, you're not my dad, you're not my-

"Okayyy Roxy chill with that mouth" a guy said coming up behind Roxy.

I sank down in my seat when I spotted him.

Jin's friend; Dylan. The one that called me a whale. Oh kill me. He was soon joined by the other two red headed brothers. His followers. I watched as Dylan grabbed Roxy's shirt and led the group to the back. Didn't take long for them to spot Jin and I. And like I expected Dylan was holding in a really strong chuckle.

Jin I could tell was trying hard not to look their way but Dylan wouldn't allow It. He left his group and strutted to us. He gave Jin his hand to shake but Jin refused it. So instead Dylan grabbed a seat right in front of him, he turned his chair to face us "how are you Quinn?" He whispered

I didn't speak. I found my palms getting sweaty from this anxiety. He was really cute, but just had a horrible personality that made him ugly. I honestly wish he would drop dead. I would not shed a tear. "No answer?" Dylan asked

"Young man, turn around" the teacher pleaded to Dylan. But he didn't even acknowledge her. He kept his gaze at me. I watched as his eyes searched my body; analyzing every inch of it to the point I thought I would faint. He was truly making me uncomfortable. Jin suddenly kicked his chair and ordered him to turn around. All Dylan did was chuckle and nod over to his friends who were all in the way back. Roxy still had that cold glare on her face. No matter how hard I tried not to look, it's like I could still see it. "Wanna sit over there with the group?" Dylan asked Jin in which he just shook his head

"Quinn can join too-


"Why? Is it cause I called her a whale?" Dylan said almost laughing. I could see he was trying to act serious and play dumb.

I don't understand. Why do people find this so amusing? Okay I don't fit what? I can't help it!

"Dylan...stop" was all Jin said

"Stop What?" His friend said showing a little bit of irritation. His face soon relaxed once he turned to me again. I knew I was giving him a hateful look. In return he smiled and stood up in front of everyone "alright Quinn fine! I apologize for calling you a whale. It was a fucking joke!! Why so sensitive? You know what will fix this? A big ole long dick right inside you, maybe that will give you a sense of humor" he blurted out in front of the whole class.

Appalled I stared at my brother for any kind of help, but he was more into his phone then giving me any time of day. It didn't take long for everyone to start laughing. Roxy had the most obnoxious laugh. She stood up and pointed at me yelling out "whale!"

The only people that didn't join in were my brother, the teacher, and Jin.

I finally had it and stood up. I soon got mortified when my belly was stuck to the desk. It made a bigger scene and a rupture of laughter continued. The teacher couldn't even calm everyone down. Once I got out, I didn't even grab my book bag. I just raced out of the classroom. The teacher can suspend me for skipping, I don't care. I just needed to get out of there. I will never show my face at this crappy school ever again.

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