Chapter 53. Conflict is Rising

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"There's another list that exists and no one really wants to think about this
Forget sanity, forget salary, forget manity, my morality."-"Lane Boy" by Twenty One Pilots

                     Blue Eyes POV
     I was on my horse besides Koba. We were heading towards the human city.
     Once we got there, Koba raised his gun and yelled, signalling for us to shoot. And so, we did.
     The humans fired back at us. Not just with guns. Things that would explode as well.
     One landed near me, causing my horse to fall down. I fell down with it.
     I got up and searched for my gun. I picked it up. I headed back towards the direction of the human colony.
     A bullet shoots near me but I hide behind something in order to avoid getting hit by it.
     The bullets continued to fire.
     I hid for a bit and heard a fellow ape screach.
     I look in the direction of that screach and I saw some apes lying on the ground, dead.
     I saw an ape pick up those bodies to move them out of the way.
     I looked over to see one of those exploders coming towards me.
     I quickly get out of the way and duck.
     Some other apes got hit by bullets.
     I went back some to avoid getting hit.
     I quickly made it over and hid behind another object, being careful not to get hit by bullets.

                     Narrator POV
     Koba looked over and up at the humans that were shooting at his kind.
     Koba rushes past the crowd of apes and sees a horse. He hops on and knocks the ape off of it. (BRUH. Rood much? -_-)
     He rode the horse back to the colony and began shooting again.

     Meanwhile, Blue Eyes was helping another ape clear out the corpses that lay there.

     Koba screeched and rode towards the colony. The other apes stopped and looked at him as he passed through. (I freakin' hate Koba -_-)
     Koba began shooting with 2 guns he had in both hands.

     The humans ducked as bullets were flying at them.
     Dreyfus looked at the guy next to him. Yup. He was dead. With his eyes open.
     "Bring me the rocket launcher!" Dreyfus ordered.

     Blue Eyes sees some apes pass by. He follows them.

     The guards at the main entrance were shooting at them.
     Dreyfus looked around with the rocket launcher and shot at some explosive barrels.
     They exploded and took some apes out, causing a massive fire.
     Koba looks up at the power lines and orders the apes to go climb them and take that route.

     The humans shot at the apes on the power lines, knocking some down in the process.

     The apes threw some of the explosive barrels at the main entrance.

     The humans were throwing spears at the apes.

     The apes headed towards the entrance of the colony.
     Koba sped to the entrance on his horse and jumped through the fire. (How does he not get caught on fire from that? .-.)
     There was a sudden huge explosion next to Koba. He looked in that direction.
     Shooting could be heard nearby. Koba saw the tank that was shooting.

     Dreyfus looked up and smiled widely. The guys next to him had a mini celebration.

     The tank was heading towards the colony. It was shooting any apes in its path.
     Koba jumped onto the tank and killed the human that was controlling the gun.
     He pulled that human off of the tank and he hopped in. He killed the human driving it.
     Koba took control of the gun and shot at the colony.
     The tank headed towards the main door.

     The door was knocked down and Koba gestured for the other apes to enter.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


631 words

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