Chapter 41. Memory

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"Have you had a million reasons why you wish you'd never seen the truth?"-"Paralyzed" by Against the Current

~ Just a bit of a warning: This chapter and the next part for this chapter is all over the place so just bare with me. I got lazy while writing this chapter and its 2nd part. And also, there is some minor swearing in this chapter so if you don't like that stuff, then skip ahead.~

Carla's POV
Everything was black. Where am I? Am I dead? I can't be!
I feel someone gently shaking me and calling my name.
"Carla! Time to wake up! It's time to go to school!" I heard a feminine voice say.
School? But.. I'm an adult.
I find myself opening my eyes. A familiar woman was standing in front of me, smiling down at me.
I tried to speak, but I couldn't.
"Good morning, sweetie. Are you ready for your first day of Pre-School?" She asked.
"No... I'm scared, Momma. What if I get picked on? What if I'm not smart enough?" I asked.
Momma? Wait.
I got a closer look at her. My eyes widened a bit and I gasped, tears forming in my eyes.
"Mom! It's me! Carla! Mom!" I tried saying. It wasn't working.
"Don't worry, sweetie. You'll do great." She said and smiled at me, kissing my forehead.
My frown turned into a smile.
"Now. Let's get you ready. I already packed your backpack and I packed your lunch as well." She said and picked me up.
"Ok!" I said and smiled, giggling a bit.
My mom smiled and got me dressed. She did my hair as well.
Once we were finished, we headed out of the living room.
"Hey, sweetheart. Are you ready for your big day?" A male voice, I'm assuming was my dad, asked.
I smiled and nodded.
My dad smiled as well.
"You're a brave and tough girl. You can fight through anything. Even the bullies." My dad said.
I smiled. "Heck, yeah I am!" I said and smiled proudly.
"That's my girl." My dad said and ruffled my hair.
I smiled.
We got in the car and drove to school.
I kicked my legs and hummed to the song that was on the radio. My parents were talking about boring stuff so I tuned myself out from them and admired the view that was out my window.

Before I even realized it, we were at the school already.
"We're here." My dad said and unbuckled. I took a breath in and out to calm myself.
My dad opened the door and unbuckled my seat. He lifted me and made sure to grab my stuff.
I looked at the fairly large building in front of me. I gulped.
We walked inside the building to see a bunch of kids, seemingly around my age and some younger, playing.
I felt a bit better knowing there were some kids my age in my class.
My teacher talked to my parents before talking to me.
"Hi there! What's your name?" The teacher asked me.
I looked at my parents to make sure it was okay with them.
"Go ahead." My mom said and nodded.
My dad smiled at me and nodded as well.
"M-My name is Carla S-Shia." I said" stuttering a bit.
"She's a bit shy." My dad said.
"Hello, Carla. Don't feel scared. Many kids feel the same way on the first day." My teacher said.
I nodded.
"Do you want to play with some of the other kids?" My teacher asked.
I hesitantly nodded.
My dad put me down. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I went to go play, doing the sane with my mom.
"Bye, sweetie! Have a good first day!" My mom said, waving to me. I waved back to her and went off to go play with the other kids.

I smiled at the memory. I made a lot of new friends that day. My teacher was the best.
I sighed happily.
The memory then switched.

"Carla!" One of my friends called out to me.
"Carla!" My other friend said. They both waved to me.
I smiled at them and waved back.
I turned to my parents and gave them a quick hug and a kiss on their cheek before leaving to meet up with my friends.
My friends are both twins. Brother and sister. Their names were Bradley Roth and Brenda Roth. Both nice kids. They're the most bestest friends I could ever ask for.
"How's your brother doin', Carla?" Bradley asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know if I should say good or bad..." I said and looked down.
"Don't worry. It's just a flu. It'll go away eventually." Brenda said.
"Yes. But this is a serious one, Brenda. It's already killed off thousands of people and it's said to continue to grow within a few years." I said.
"Is he showing serious symptoms?" Bradley asked.
"No. He's just been having sore throats and coughing." I said.
"That's one or the symptoms. They usually manifest within 48 hours after contact." Bradley said.
I sighed and nodded. "Yes, unfortunatly." I said.
Brenda frowned and put a hand on my shoulder. "Well. Let's hope they come up with a cure eventually." She said.
I smilee a bit and nodded. I giggled and hugged them.
"You guys are amazing." I said.
"Heck yeah we are! If we ever get infected, we'll punch the Simian Flu right in it's face! Right, Brenda?" Bradley asked his sister, turning his head to face her.
"Heck yeah!" Brenda said with a proud smile.
I giggled at their confidence.

Unfortunatly, my brother died and Brenda and Bradley got infected. I visited them everyday when they were quarentined. Of course, wearing a mask and gloves as well to protect myself.
I visited them when their funeral cam around. I was saddened of course and I wanted to die as well.

I frowned.
The memory switched again.

5th grade year.
It was a lonely year for me. I missed Bradley, Brenda and my brother dearly.
Somehow, the school was beginning to feel lonely to me. Even though it still had a lot of people. Staff, police, and students. There was still the infected and dying.
I sighed and drew on my paper in boredom. Classes seemed more boring now that the world population was dropping like flies.
People were afraid of the infected. They were afraid of the dying. Of the virus. Of the apes.
I don't believe they started it. Diseases from animals has happened before in the past. But I doubt it was caused by the apes. Despite the name "The Simian Flu".
The bell finally rang for lunch. We all got up and got in a line.
We got our lunch boxes and headed out to the cafeteria.
There were guys in Hazmat Suits standing at the door. They were examining each and every one of us for any signs of The Simian Flu. A few kids showed signs and they were told to wait outside while the healthy went in.
I felt bad for those kids. Yet didn't at the same time.
They were going to die eventually. I'm sure they know because of the infected friends and family anyways. So what's to worry?
I waited in line for food. The cafeteria was loud. But the normal type loud you would hear at a school cafeteria.
Supsising despite the number of people that had to wait outside.
I shrugged and got my food.
I eventually got to the end of the line and got my snacks.

I got my utensils and sat down with my class.

"I feel bad for the people waiting outside. They must be worried." A girl said next to me.
I listened but continued to eat my food.

"Yeah. It must really suck." Another girl said next to her.

"Why do you guys sympathise for them? They're going to die eventually." I said and swallowed my food.

The girl next to me gasped.
"That's rude!" She said.

"Yeah! How could you say that?" The other girl said.

I shrugged.

"How would you feel if you were in their place?" The girl next to me asked.

"I'd accept the fact that I'm going to die." I said.

The girl next to me huffed. She stood up.

"Hey, everyone! She doesn't cafe for the infected! This proves she's a heartless person!" She said, pointing her finger at me. She went on about how heartless I sounded, blah blah blah.
I got bored of her speech and I tuned her out. I kept eating.
I got up and threw my trash away.
"Hey, you bitch! Did you hear me?!" She asked me.
I looked up at her.
"Hm? Sorry. Couldn't hear you over my chewing." I said and swallowed my food.
"Mind saying that again?" I asked.
She growled and clenched her fists.
I grinned a small bit.
She lunged at me with a yell. She slapped and punched me. I didn't really care though. My life was hell enough at this point.

But to shorten this up, we got in a fight, we were taken to the pricipal's office, parents got mad at us, got suspended, grounded, punished, etc.
I was such a troubled kid then. It was all because of this damn plague.
I sighed. The memory switched.
My first day of 8th grade. Life was hell for me.
Tons of sick people and of the dying.
My mom got infected. A co-worker had sneezed on her and that co-worker was infected.
My dad was also infected. He'd shaken hands with someone who was infected.
So now I'm at a risk of being infected. Just great.
My parents were in quarentine. I was only being monitored.

The memory flashed before my eyes.

A/N: Hey guys. Sry this took so long to update. It was a long chapter so yeah >~<. But I hope you enjoyed it!


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