Chapter 45. Location

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"This ain't nothing but dangerous
We about to be over it
Why can't it just be what it is
Why can't it be what it is
We're both getting emotional"-"Good Thing" by Sage the Gemini

                      Dreyfus POV
     I walked towards the main control center where they were trying to establish contact, with my iPad in hand.
     I tapped on the outside doorframe to let them know I was here.
     "This is San Fransisco attempting contact. If anyone is receiving this message.. We ask that you identify yourself and your location. Over."
(A/N: Idk his name so I'm gonna make it up). My buddy Lance said.
     I patted him on the back lightly. He looked at me for a second then continued to attempt making contact.
     I looked over at Jared who was standing on the opposite side of me.
     "Hey, Jared. Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
     "Yeah, sure thing. What do you want me to do?" Jared asked, looking over at me.
     I held out my iPad.
     "There was someone named Carla that texted me on Kenneth's phone earlier. She asked if we couly trace her location and rescue her. Can you and Valentine do that for me?" I asked.
     "Yeah, sure thing." Jared said. He took my iPad and brought it ovee to Valentine's work space.

     Knowing Valentine's excellent computing skills, she was able to track the location within minutes.
     "Found her location, sir. Would you like me to get her?" Valentine asked.
     "Yes. But be sure to bring a gun and a few other things that'll protect you out there. With the apes running loose, you have no idea where they are or what they're doing at this point in time." I said.
     "Alright." Valentine said and nodded. She went to go grab a gun.
     But before she could leave, I stopped her to tell her something else.
     "Oh, and I'mm be sending Albert and Gregory with you so you wull have some backup." I said.

     Valentine nodded and left.

A/N: Yay! The introduction of Valentine, woop. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


353 words

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