Secret Chapter: Hidden Enemies

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The man walked casually past the fallen medical staff and even the father.

The girl was all that mattered to him.

She woke up to see him. She was terrified. She recoiled in her bed.

He wouldn't blame her. Sometimes, he scared himself, too.

"You're..." She pointed at him with a trembling finger.

"Yup, but I'm not here to hurt you. On the contrary, I'm here to help you..."

She bought it. Hook line, and sinker.

She relented, and he healed all her injuries, internal and external, with a simple touch.

She looked at herself, aghast. "How did you..."

"I came not only to heal you, but to make you better. All you have to do is help me find her."

The girl was intuitive. "Who are we talking about, here?"

He simply held up a certain picture, and her eyes widened with recognition.

"Now you'll help me find the girl, correct? She... Needs to learn her lesson about hurting innocent bystanders."

A brief moment of indecision before the determined nod. All normal.

"Now for us to do that, I'll need to infuse you with power."

"Wait," She quickly slowed things down. "We don't even know each other."

"Your name..."

"Cameron. Cameron Kinsley."

"Trip Hudson. Why don't we shake hands, as a sign of getting acquainted."

She nodded.

They did, and Trip infused her with the requisite variety of powers.

"How do you feel, Cam?"

She vibrated with pleasure as a red aura surrounded her. "Good..."

She seemed more than happy. She seemed elated! In fact, one might say that she was on a real...

Power Trip!

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now