Chapter 64: The Epic Crossover, Part 2

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With Ryu...

Everyone looked up from their menus as the scene unfolded around them.

"Um... What's going on?" Raelynn asked, worry evident on her face.

In an instant, Corrin had went from being jovial to a cold-blooded professional. "We're under attack, that's what. You three need to stay put. Especially you, Moonie."

"Me? Why me? I can help..." The gamer piped up.

"No, you can't," the ninja said tersely. "This guy absorbs people's powers. He just said that much. Do you have any idea what would happen if he got to yours? A little training, and you would probably be the most, or at least among the most powerful human beings around! How much more would it be for him, who's got a bevy of powers and a bunch of evil intent to go along with it?!"

"I get it..."The boy mumbled, clearly disheartened. "But I can't just sit here doing nothing."

"Then you can help Ryu and Rae get as many people out of the line of fire as possible."

"Fine, then." Moonie quickly assumed a meditative posture and teleported away.

He then glared at the brother and sister. "Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Get moving!"

They both did as instructed, and after struggling to get Ryu in his wheelchair quickly, headed off for the crowd...


With Cybil...

No one had had time to react to this new crisis. It even took a moment for Cybil to get her bearings well enough to use her "Threat Assessment" ability. She simply wasn't used to being in particularly chaotic situations like this. This one in particular brought back certain memories that she had to fight to force back down.

"Father, go with them!" The young woman ordered, pointing to the swelling tide of retreating bodies.

Moving around to engage the threat in secret, she found that Max was already confronting him directly. Perhaps the most terrifying part about all of this was just how normal this predator looked. One wouldn't be able to pick him out on the street. Quite frankly, he looked like a college student. And yet, there was this wild look about him. Look of an addict, bloodshot eyes and all. The boy standing in front of him didn't seem at all fazed, however.

"Out of my way, runt."

Max spoke in a lower tone for the next part, but Cybil's super hearing made it fairly easy to distinguish the sound. "You ugly creature, you! What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like, pretty boy? I'm just having a little snack."

"I'm afraid the only thing you're going to be eating is my shoe." The Hispanic boy said that at normal volume.

The man shook his head before clocking Max with a left hook. The shot sent him across the room, clearly displaying super strength.

Just as Max was looking his wounds, and Cybil was deciding whether or not to personally intervene, a new player came out, rushing forward with a kick imbued with some sort of energy.

Some sort of... Ninja?

(A/N) Above: Max's theme - Vega's Theme, Street Fighter IV

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