Chapter 19: Learning The Truth, Part 1

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Marcia tried to be patient as she waited for the training center's shutdown procedure to finish. She felt...antsy. She hadn't really felt this way since being brought back to life. She'd felt panicked, terrified, confused, sure. But not this. Something just felt... Off. Off about everything she had been exposed to over the past month or so of her...

Wait. What could she even call what she was doing now experiencing? Life?

She wouldn't call it that.

"Ms. Grey."

Ana's voice snapped her out of her reflections. "Yes?"

"You've done well on your tests as usual, yes?" The Asian woman stated with her now familiar matter-of-fact tone.

"Mmm." Marcia concurred with an absence of mind that could only be cultivated by years of working with coworkers that she barely understood.

Ana made her face her. "I understand you have questions, yes? About how you were reborn? And why?"

Frustrations bubbling up inside her reached a fever pitch. "Oh, NOW you want to tell me what's going on?! I literally died for four years and came back! You've put off or ignored my every attempt to so much as ask questions for the past month and only now you relent?!"

To Marcia's great surprise, the normally stoic Japanese woman cracked a smile.

"You really don't understand what kind of world you've been dropped in, do you?"

"Please. Enlighten me," Marcia urged, trying to keep an indignant hiss out of her voice.

"Okay then. Where to begin... How about this. Watch closely."

Marcia watched, to her utter shock, the woman before her close her eyes and levitate in the air a short way.

Ana came down and seemed to be more confused at her reaction than anything. "This surprises you? You're a walking armory and you're surprised at me hovering in the air for a few seconds?"

"Well... Yes! Normal people don't do that!"

Ana shook her head in bewilderment. "How sheltered are you not to know about this? What you seem to refer to as 'normal' hasn't been since the 1980's."

"What are you...?"

Ana put her hand on her forehead. "You recall the incident of 'The Fog' in your history books, yes? You should have that information downloaded into your head. Search for it."

It didn't take Marcia long at all to do so. If only her more personal memories weren't so much more foggy...  "A nuclear meltdown occurred in the late 1980's under the New Mexican desert. Spread a killer toxin that killed the dozens working on the project and before the gasses were diluted by an airborne solvent..."

The stern woman nodded her head. "You certainly have the airbrushed version of the story."

"The truth?" Marcia couldn't recall being a fan of conspiracy theories, but then again, she was a Frankenstein-esque corruption of human form that had supernatural speed and really was a walking armory. The woman before her could levitate. Anything went at that point.

"Hmm... Now where to begin..."

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now