Chapter 65: The Epic Crossover, Part 3

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Being holed up in the break room, surrounded by a bunch of scared workers wasn't the most comfortable scene Ryu had been a part of. Compounding the issue was watching Moonie get more and more anxious while wearing a hole in the ground with his feet.

"Stop pacing, man! It just makes me more anxious!"

"I... I can't just sit here, dude!"

"Corrin told you to stay put! I know how you feel--"

He turned to Ryu coldly. "No you don't. You've never had superpowers tossed onto you that you never got to use. If I could use these powers to help someone, I mean, really use them to be a hero... Then..."

"I'm not gonna be able to stop you, am I?"

The smile Ryu got in response was a sad one, almost as if he was still conflicted with his choice. "No, man."

He caught his old friend as he turned to leave. "Just be careful, buddy. Come back in one piece... I'd love to not have to deal with you dead or powerless." There was heavy concern in his voice, even behind the half joke. He wouldn't even let himself imagine that the friend that greeted him when he first awakened (besides her sister) would die here. He had to come back. He just had to!

"I'll try," Moonie said with a tone that gave the impression that he was making a promise he couldn't keep.

Soon, all he could do was listen and wait.

With Cybil...

In what was probably the strangest turn of events she had ever been a part of, Cybil found herself fighting side by side with a modern-day ninja.

She had initially figured that the boy had the fight handled. What she didn't expect was for their enemy to turn invisible, causing him to whiff attack after attack. That wasn't even counting Max's many attempts. This guy was pretty much the toughest, most versatile opponent the girl had ever encountered.

Managing to slip past the enemy's radar in the confusion, she got behind him in a choke hold, only for him to shrink out of it, get back to normal size, and headbutt her with a newly metallic skull. While she stumbled back, She just happened to witness Max perched on The piping high above the floor, waiting for the right moment.

The ninja had taken his opportunity to strike, rushing him with a series of incredibly fast and precise strikes. They managed to make the man stumble back enough to be easy prey for her high-flying brother to dive bomb with a kick.

The kick connected with a crunch that signified broken bones. That might have actually ended the fight if this monster didn't have healing powers.

"Enough of this! Die!"

The man grabbed every combatant and endeavored to squeeze the life out of them by virtue of super elasticity.

"Coward..." Max croaked out. "Why don't you... Look at the people you're killing..."

The man did as instructed, only to find himself staring into completely purple eyes, whites and irises alike.

After a tense moment, the villain smirked. "Mind control, eh hombre? Well, it ain't gonna work. I have powers on top of powers, as well as defenses against them. I'm invincible! Face it. You're about to die to the most powerful super in the world! You ought to be honored..."

"You know, I beg to differ on that."

Cybil had to pull a painful double duty to keep herself awake enough to hear the voice. Who was...

In a puff of smoke, everyone was free from the monster's grip and the man was rocketed back by some sort of... Air projectiles? She fell to her knees to catch her breath. This new fighter... Who was he?

A tall Korean redhead, a fair bit moreso than the powerful menace, appeared out of thin air.

He glanced in her direction and smiled, clearly tired, but in a reassuring kind of way before turning back to the fight.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, Shorty!"

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