Chapter 43: How To Turn Someone's World Upside Down

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James McDougal was used to being in the hot seat. This was mainly because he had gotten used to being used as a tool--a disposable one.

Of course, the people that did this generally had it in their power to end his life or those of his friends and family. They also tended to bigger and stronger than him.

In this case, part of that was true. However, it wasn't often that he had his life threatened by someone who was supposed to be dead.

"If I could explain..."

"Please do," this would-be corpse urged. This woman, whose home James's daughter had invaded, had recently invigorated herself with some coffee. It didn't make her any happier, though.

The woman's fingers drummed on the wooden table right by her half-filled coffee mug. An aluminum bat sat by her, which left an ominous feeling in the pit of his stomach.

James fumbled around regarding where to begin. "H-how about I start by introducing myself?"

The woman raised an eyebrow.

"I'm James McDougal... This is my daughter, Cybil." He started, gesturing towards himself and his daughter respectively.

"Good. Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police on both of you."

James and Cybil nervously exchanged looks. What right didn't she have to do just that?

"How did she know my name?"

It was Tyrone who spoke up, as he had been silent since James had walked in. If circumstances were different, he would have embraced his son. Of course, the boy didn't know that, so it probably wouldn't have been a good idea...

"About that..."

"I knew because, judging by your appearance, you're likely my brother. Or at least one of them."

Cybil spoke as if stating a scientific fact. Tyrone looked at her as if she'd grown a second head.

"What're you talking about? I'm an only child!"

James had dreaded this day. Shaking his head and taking in a deep breath, he released.

"No, Tyrone. You're not. Biologically speaking, she's not your mother, either."

The boy looked at James as if he had just killed someone right in front of him. The woman looked as if she wanted to leap across the table and strangle him.

"Now... I... I..."

"I raised my baby from the CRIB! Don't you DARE come in MY house and tell me my son is not mine."

She hissed most of her words in a low, deadly tone. If the situation wasn't so serious, James might have considered turning tail and running out the door.

He put his head down in shame instead. "I know you both probably hate me for what I just said. But there are more..." He stopped mid-sentence when he saw something that chilled his very blood.

The woman saw it too. "Go get a paper towel. You're dripping."

As he watched the boy leave, he knew that the fluid dripping from him...was him.

He was decomposing. Tyrone was quite literally melting away.

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