Chapter 7: Training

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Reverberations of two swords clashing throughout a lush forest drowned out the din of the surrounding wildlife.

Neither of the two warriors would yield. Sensing that the current tie-up was pointless, the taller one, wearing a ninja-esque mask, dipped around to slash his opponent, he jumped over the slice before throwing an elbow at his exposed head.

Unusual. He'd grant this kid that.

His ears were still ringing when the kid, who was surprisingly more spry than he looked, was already on top of him to stab him with His triangle-shaped mini-lance.

He recovered fast, though, and kicked the boy in his gut.  The boy made an involuntary noise as he flew off of him and hit the ground. Getting back up shakily, the boy charged him, frustrated with the stalemate.

He blocked the attempt with his sword. The boy had an intense look about him, even as he seemed to be reaching his limit. His ragged. exhausted breathing told him that much. He has to call this off.

"Okay. That's enough."

The boy didn't seem to hear him, and went to rush for him, but his legs instead gave out from under him. He collapsed on the ground, panting.

The man held up a hand to what seemed like nothing, and the forest melted away, revealing a large and empty room.

He walked up to the boy, getting him to look up at him. He took off his mask, letting strands of blonde hair droop into his forehead.


The boy nodded wordlessly while breathing hard. The boy may have been built a bit like a barrel, but he'd worked just as hard as anyone under his tutelage.

"I...I'm...okay," the boy panted. "Did I..."

"Yeah, you did it, Al." He smiled reassuringly. The boy returned it, albeit awkwardly and seemingly embarrassed. While he had well known about Al's issues, he also knew how much he loved these training sessions and that he tried his absolute best every time.

"Okay. Thanks..." the boy trailed off, his features twisting into confusion.

"Corrin, remember?" While he had been annoyed with Al's tendency to forget his name, he had slowly learned to be more patient upon learning of his condition.

"Uh... Yeah. Thank you, Sir Corrin."

He sheathed his sword and turned to leave the training room. He would probably never get him to stop calling him "Sir".

"Get some rest, man. See you tomorrow."

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now