Chapter 62: Desert Eats

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With Cybil...

Simply put, Cybil didn't feel like talking. Between all of the angst that just happened, coupled with internal wrestlings she had to deal with regarding that "familiar face" that the voice in her head kept going on about, she didn't feel like opening her mouth. All she really wanted was silence. Some sort of peace.

Perhaps things would be better with me at the helm...

Cybil audibly gasped in horror at the thought she had just had. Was that voice... Or was that actually how she felt?

Frankly, she didn't like either of the two possible answers to that question.

Unfortunately for her, if she was hoping to get her mind off of her pain by talking with her father, she had another thing coming. He seemed to be just as distracted as she was.


Strangely enough, by the time they got to their destination, she just really wanted to go home.

Where was home for her, anyway?

It had been hot in the little desert oasis that they had found. Cybil hadn't exactly been used to these kinds of temperatures. Considering her only experience with extreme temperatures came from the opposite end of the spectrum, this was no surprise.

Thankfully, there had been a heliport even back here, so it was an easy task to stash the chopper amidst the other flying machines (there had to be various kinds, especially in a place this remote).

As they made their way on foot to their target, she was kind of impressed at the hamlet that had sprung up here.

It was strange, really. Why would you go all the way out here? This had to be one of the hottest parts of the country, and yet people were not only managing to eke out a living, but were thriving here.

They had managed to pinpoint the exact location that Fuller had given out after about half an hour. A fairly nice, if not a little old diner loomed (slightly, anyway) over them.

Well, daddy has never taken me out to eat... Or anything resembling anything like that, for that matter...


Perhaps if Cybil hadn't been used to blending into crowds, she would've been pretty nervous at the decent swell of customers that surrounded her. Either way, she wasn't in a particularly picky mood, seeing as she could eat a horse even if both her and her father weren't out here on what amounted to business. Sitting down at one of the tables, Cybil took in the various sounds around her. To even her own surprise, she felt calmed by this.

As she glanced at the TV, she got a little more than she bargained for. Apparently, the latest allegations of "unchecked Supers" were still flying around. While the government remains silent on the matter, rumors and general discomfort continued to spread along the ground...

Looking at the menu, she was positively overwhelmed with all the choices she had. She'd gotten so used to eating whatever the Organization had fed her, whatever James had shared with her, or whatever was held out to her that she realized that she never actually thought about choosing what to eat before.

She looked up at her father, befuddled.

"Don't know what to order, sweetie?" A sympathetic grin found its way onto her creator's face as the long silence between them finally broke.

James called the waiter over to their table. A petite woman looking not much older than Cybil herself and with a slightly darker skin tone hurried over.

"Welcome to the Desert Gem. What can I get for you two?" The young woman had an accent that she couldn't quite place.

The girl was happy to let her father take over on this one. "What are the specials?"

The waitress smiled politely, but one could tell that she was very used to "performing" this way. "The specials today are..." She trailed off upon getting some feedback from the microphone she had on her. She grumbled something rather unpleasant before continuing. "Sorry, guys. I've got to go take care of something. Maxie's got you. Is going to take care of you... Hopefully."

James didn't seem to catch it, as he was still rattling off possible suggestions while looking at the menu. Cybil, however, suddenly felt a sensation like 100 butterflies were set loose inside her stomach.

She forced herself to calm down. Even with location right, or the chances that there weren't 10 different people who could go by the nickname, "Maxie"?

She was busy staring agape at her father, too stunned to so much as speak. By the time he got around to looking at her, their target... No, her brother

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now