Chapter 93: The King's Final Edict

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The ninja only got to briefly note the change in scenery as the fight with his current adversary continued.

Moonie was desperately trying to defend himself from a super-powered onslaught. Corrin would need to find an opening...

...or not. It was then that Tyrone appeared in the middle of the brawl.

"What's this!?" Power Trip growled, clearly disturbed at the idea of someone having the gall to interrupt his meal.

He held out a bat made of pure psychic energy. He looked worn out, even moreso than usual. His crown was just as bad off, cracked severely and coursing with pink energy.

"Ty..." Moonie croaked from on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" Corrin asked.

He glanced back at them, his body flickering in and out from a corporeal form. "Donating the rest of my life to helping you guys. I just..."

Power Trip tried to rush him, but the boy deflected his every attack. It wasn't a contest, as Ty's powers were overwhelming at this point.

"I just... Didn't want to die... Without you guys... Not without my friends..." There was the sort of strain in his voice that might come from someone fighting to survive a deadly illness.

He was barely holding together, growing and grunting with exertion as his body continued to fade in and out of solid form.

"" Corrin could only say so much.

"They call me 'the king' for a reason. Just say goodbye to Mama for me. And tell... All of them... I love them."

The rest happened in what felt like slow motion, with Ty successfully rushing Power Trip with his bat one last time, and the monster retaliating with a beam of energy that overwhelmed the dying boy, destroying his crown completely before he evaporated into the air.

Not even two seconds passed before Power Trip showed how little respect he had for the dead.

"Now that the 'king' has been disposed, can we get back to having some real fun?"

"You--" Corrin's words were cut off mid sentence as Moonie had disappeared from his spot on the ground.

He quickly reappeared, rushing the creature with a vicious, unrelenting combo of various Street Fighter moves that would make anyone on the Capcom Pro Tour jealous.

"Shinku! Hadoken!" He finished, not giving Power Trip the pleasure of hitting the ground before launching the extra powerful fireball.

Power Trip staggered to his feet. Maybe he wasn't as invincible as he claimed.

"Have you no respect for the dead... You MONSTER?!" Moonie ran to strike him again, only for him to miss him as he literally melted away.

"Is it over?" Corrin whispered.

"All he did was retreat..." Moonie didn't sound himself in the least. He sounded more like one of the warriors he usually took control of via a game pad. There was a different person standing before Corrin now. "He'll be back. I'm sure he will."

"Good job..." Corrin complimented, feeling lightheaded.

Moonie looked the same as he cracked a smile for the first time in a while. Corrin's vision went black amidst the sound of metal being knocked around.

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now