Chapter 90: Virtual Fight Club

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For one of the few times he could remember, Ryu found himself without his wheelchair.

He wasn't going to sugarcoat it. It was awful.

Apparently, he had been right in guessing that this virtual insanity could actually affect real world objects.

With his chair being run over spike strips that just appeared out of nowhere, he had to ditch it, and was not fun.

"I hope things are going better on your end!" Ryu called out to his sister.

She seemed to be busy. "Not exactly... I really don't like having to fight like this..."

Contrary to popular belief, Raelynn could fight, but she hated it. For one thing, it often forced her to use her abilities as an android. Simply put, it made her feel more like a wind up toy or some sort of monstrosity in general than any of the name calling she would ever get did. She had to endure all that just to defend herself.

"Be grateful, sis," the boy laughed somewhat bitterly. "At least you don't have to crawl on your hands and...well, hands!"

A long pause. "Let me guess. Something in this place spiked your tires...?"


"I just want to go home..." The robot girl just sounded tired now.

Just then, the virtual reality around him fizzled for just a moment.



It didn't take long for his fears to be confirmed in the worst possible way. It was him...

That monster from the restaurant, Power Trip, was back for round two.

"Hello, ladies. Pleased to eat you!"

Corrin stepped in front of Moonie. "How did Wester bring you into this?"

The power stealer grinned. "I was practically here already, what with all the snacks I was promised... And here I find some!"

"Does he want to eat us or something?" Moonie whispered. He was clearly not at full strength, as apparently, there was something very real about this virtual world...

"I don't want to find out," Corrin stated, worry evident on his features even though his eyes were all that were visible.

"What do we do?"

Corrin sighed. "You'll have to hold nothing back, and so will I."

The dread on Moonie's face spoke loud and clear about how much he didn't want to do this. He simply wasn't a warrior. He showed off his powers for fun, not for combat.

They both struck fighting poses, grimly anticipating what was coming.

"You done talking? Good!" The monster lunged at them.

Corrin vanished into thin air, only to reappear above his prey, raining down his ninja blades. He blocked them, smirking before rushing Moonie.

A Shoryuken landed Power Trip on his back. That's when he got angry and started spewing red-hot fire breath at them.

Making a fist, Moonie beat back the flames by firing balls of ice at his adversary. He had to think of something. If only they had had backup this time...

That's when the world around them flashed out of existence for just a split second. What was going on here?


Above: Power Trip's Theme - Theme of Necalli, Street Fighter V

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