Chapter 10: An Odd Relationship

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In an undisclosed location in the West Coast...

Hidden away (cloaked from any prying eyes, in all actuality) in a patch of desolate desert wasteland was a base of operations for a group called the Guardian Corps. Their mission: to house and protect those who were or would be persecuted by the "normal" world at large.

In one cabin in this base lived a very familiar boy...

He wrung out his soaking wet bandanna and draped it over the fireplace. All interest in laundry had faded from Ryu Hoshi's mind during the crawl off of his perch on the rooftop near that pharmacy. His arms still ached, as fit as they got from this sort of thing.


No answer from his roomate. Where did she go off to now?"

"Raelynn! Where are you?"

"Eh, I was wondering where you were..."

The very familiar Scottish tang of her speech came from the entrance behind him. The wielder of that accent looked more like she had been born in North or South Korea than anywhere near Scotland, or the U.K. in general.

That is, if one could ignore the metal wrappings eminating from her back as well as that big black blinking light absorption mechanism that was welded into her back and keeping her alive.

Needless to say, she didn't like talking about it.

"I said I would be back soon, didn't I?"

She ruffled her green blouse, looking down. "Yes. Doesn't stop me from worrying, though."

"Worrying? You? You know I'll be okay."

She shook her head. She clearly felt uncomfortable. "I don't like bringing this up, but... Look at yourself, man. You don't even have legs..."

"Don't even go there..." he warned sharply. Every mention of Ryu's lack of a lower body sparked rage that made him feel completely out of control. He had only recently somewhat learned to shelve his memories of the many bewildered stares he got at being just a head and a torso.

Raelynn put her hands up in defense. "Sorry. No offense meant. Just stating a fact." Her expression became more concerned. "I...I just don't want to see you get hurt, is all. You're my brother."

Now he really felt bad. As far as older sisters went, Ryu supposed, his was really laid back. It took something really important to shake her up like this.

"Don't worry about it, Sis."

Raelynn smiled at that, as it wasn't too often that the two's sibling relationship was stated directly. She knew he meant it when it was.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..." He promptly headed off to the bathroom.

The reader may ask, "How does one use the bathroom without any of the normal elements necessary to do so?" The reader would do well not to dwell on this question too much...for their sake.

Above: Ryu's theme (Theme of Gen, Street Fighter IV)

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن