Chapter 82: The Challenge

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As wonderful as the previous day had been (James was eternally grateful that Elena had bought a cheap camera drone), the dread of what was coming had reappeared as soon as they had gotten back.

With this feeling increasing beyond any hope of sleeping, the scientist went down from the upper floor and into the ground floor's office.

He quickly turned the webcam on make himself give what would likely be his last real speech.


Just after getting done with the messages and saving it, literally the worst thing that could possibly happen...happened.

It was an email. It wasn't from Fuller. He could only have wished for that maniac's taunting song.

No, this one was from the man himself.

It was a video.

Right before he could start it, he realized he was not alone. He looked towards the door, intending to close it if Winnie, Marina, or Kara.

None of those guesses were even close.

It was.... Rachel.

Much to his shock, the woman (speaking of her appearance, as Rachel was technically the youngest of anyone he had made) carefully walked in. She actually managed to make little noise as she did so.

The ceiling was so low that she had slowly work her way in as not to break anything, and ended up on her hands and knees.

"How..." James couldn't put together a sentence at the moment.

"I couldn't sleep. I noticed light coming from this room, so I decided to check it out."

"Good job... Being quiet?"

She smiled, but it faded at the sight of the monitor.

"What's that?"

"Oh, nothing..." He had meant to close the video, but wound up hitting the play button instead.

Rachel scooted closer as the video began, the smug face of Lawrence Wester filling the screen.


"If it isn't Jimmy boy! I trust that you've had a wonderful little joyride with my technology. Isn't it interesting that technology is so ubiquitous these days? You can take a peek or keep an eye on just about anything. Even traitors!

"The issue here is... I don't like those who mock my authority. Never have, never will. That said, I forgive you. You heard right.

"In fact, I've gone through all the trouble of staging a little 'family reunion' just to welcome the children myself. They wouldn't even exist without me, so I like to think of myself as their 'godfather'.

"I even managed to get a hold of your would-be wife, as hard as it is to get ahold of the dead. It'll be fantastic to see you two lovebirds embrace once again. I trust you'll want to come...

"Bring 'Cybil' too. She'll be ecstatic to see her mother. That's not even including the many other surprises I have in store. Don't miss out... Not that you ever would... "


James felt his blood pressure heighten with every second of that video. Rachel put her hand on his shoulder. Even her fairly light touch felt like an iron clamp on him.

"We'll get 'em."

"Do you even know--"

"Ryu and Rae filled me in while we were at that arena."


"Get some rest," Rachel commanded, which wasn't hard for her to do. Her voice just had that kind of pull to it. "I have a feelin' we're all gonna need it."

He didn't argue. He agreed with her. Besides, pulling the rank card with her was like trying to chop down a building with a wooden axe.

"We'll fill the other ones in and leave later this morning," James announced, yawning. "Good night, Rachel. Thank you."

She nodded and left as silently as she could. James was left alone to shut off the computer.

It was all coming to an end. The scientist's stomach ached with distress at all that would soon take place.

What would probably be his last nap would by no means come easily...

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