Chapter 41: A Rather Uncomfortable Morning

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It turned out that to the right side of the entryway Cybil had run up was a dining room. A weathered wooden table with four chairs just as battered in front of them. Cybil was accustomed to less, but could certainly live here...

That is, if she survived her current scenario...

The woman that Cybil had come here to kill was now staring at her with a look that in itself could kill.

Despite the horrific circumstances, Cybil did manage to get a good look at her for the first time. A skin tone just a shade darker than caramel complemented well her hair, which was a deep black ribbon cascading down to her shoulders. She could have easily passed for the biological mother of the boy she had just tangled with, sans a few facial features.

"Explain," the exhausted woman commanded, the one word managing to suck all the air out of the room.

Throughout all her time in the Organization, she had heard of those who could sap all will to fight with just a glare. While she was unsure of those rumors, she didn't doubt that many people (even her, if she so desired) could be plain intimidating.

Case in point...

"Explain," the command came again. The woman was stifling a yawn even as she said this. She seemed more tired than angry, but it nonetheless had the desired effect. Especially on Tyrone.

The clock on the nearby walk ticked ceaselessly as the tension mounted.

"What are you doing in my house?"

Her expression now was glazed over. It flickered in and out that way in her semi-conscious state.

Apparently, with what little malice she could scrounge up, she glared at the boy.

"You. Talk."

The boy obeyed rather frantically. "She... She was gonna kill you, Mama! She broke into the house in the middle of the night!"

The woman was wide awake now. There was something viciously defensive in the look that she gave Cybil. She grabbed the bat that she had taken from Tyrone before they had come down.

Almost by instinct, the girl's mind raced for the nearest exit. All of this was already agonizing enough. She didn't want or need to start a fight with this woman, especially when the woman had no idea what she was dealing with.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." The woman's voice, now low and dangerous, spoke more of her intent than the actual words. Her black eyes narrowed, and she tensed as if ready to launch herself over the table in the next instant.

What good reason was there, actually? What excuse could she make for this? She had indeed come to kill her (as well as Tyrone, as he would have been a witness).

Before things could escalate further, though, the doorbell rang.

Cybil promptly let go of the breath she had been holding in...and then held it back in again when the woman give her a glare that basically said "Move and die".

Cybil shifted in her seat, glancing at Tyrone uncomfortably.

After a moment, she thought she heard a, the voice she recognized most out of anyone behind that door.

Her suspicions were confirmed when the woman came back with none other than her father in tow.

Above: Tyrone's Theme (Theme of Sagat, Street Fighter IV)

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