Chapter 7: Warm sand

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After having laid in bed for some time I finally stood up. I walk over to the window and open the curtains. I felt the sun warm my skin, it had been a long time since it had been this warm. I close the curtains realizing that I was standing in just underwear. Walking over to my closet, I brush my hair as I look for something to wear. As I was looking at my clothes I hear my phone vibrate, looking at my phone I could see that I had gotten a message from Dina.


Dina: Hey, I was wondering if you would like joining me to the beach today. I was also thinking about inviting Terry, Eric, and Mike.

Hannah: Well... I don't really know...

Dina: Aw, come on. It's such nice weather today, it's going to be fun. I saw you buy the bikini so why don't use it?

Hannah: Well...

Dina: You can get another Dina point if you join :D

Hannah: Fine, I'll join...

Dina: Yay, Are you going to take your motorbike?

Shit, I have totally forgotten about my bike... I probably need new gear...

Hannah: maybe, I need some new gear...

Dina: That's a bummer, well see you at the beach.

Hannah: Wait, when are we going?

Dina: As soon as possible.

Hannah: Oh, okay. See you soon then.


I should really get some new gear for my motorcycle, I should probably visit Jake. He's the one who owned the shop where I bought it. I can't believe I totally forgot about my Honda Rebel. Wait a minute, what about my driving license. I should probably send a message to the project G team about it. Sitting down in front of my computer I send a mail asking what I should do about my driving license. After having sent the mail I opened my closet and find the black bikini that I had bought. I put it on, its harness like look was a bit strange, multiple black straps making a few geometric patterns, but I thought it looked nice on me in a strange way. The straps hugging my body just right. I shake my head realizing that I was just staring at my own but. I then find a white tank top and one of the shorts Dina had picked out for me. Looking at myself in the mirror; "I really can't believe that I'm wearing this..." I said to myself as I saw the short shorts. "Well, I guess it isn't more revealing than a bikini," I mumbled to myself. I hear knocking on my door.

"I'm heading out now, see you later sis."

"Where are you going?" I asked opening the door.

To my surprise I see that Sandra was standing in a white dress with a floral pattern, she was also using a bit more makeup than what she normally used. Sandra looks at her feet for a moment.

"I..." She started.

"You're going on a date aren't you?" I asked.

"Don't tell mom or dad about it, okay? They don't need to know." She said grabbing my arm.

"Okay, okay... I won't tell them." I replied.

"Thanks, your the best. See you later." She said walking downstairs and exit the house.

After having seen Sandra leave I begin to pack the stuff I needed for my little trip to the beach. I place a beach towel, my earbuds, a bottle of water and some sunscreen into my backpack. Having locked the entrance door behind me, I take my circular black sunglasses on and begin to walk towards the bus stop.


Sitting on the bus I looked out the window. It had been a long time since I had been going to the beach. I suddenly began to feel anxious. "How didn't I think about this. I' literally going to stand half-naked in this body and I'm just about getting comfortable with standing half-naked by myself." I screamed to myself internally. I take a moment to control my breath. "This was probably Dina's plan all along..." Before I knew the bus stopped, I stood up from my seat and walked out of the bus. I feel the fresh air move my loose hair slightly, I was surprised to see that the beach wasn't totally crowded. There was, in fact, a lot fewer people here than what I thought would be here. I see a figure waving in my direction, looking closer I could see Dina, she was standing under a beach umbrella in a blue bikini waving to get my attention. I waved back, taking off my shoes as I walk over to her. As I was a few steps away she asked; "Isn't this a nice spot? Not too far away from the water and not too many around"

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