Chapter One ~ The audition is starting... about now! ~

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Chapter One

I rushed out of my appartment quickly. I was going to be late. Again. Joy. It has been about 7 years since my moms death. I still missed her almost everyday. C'mon Annabelle, I thought to myself, don't think about that now. Think about getting to Molly's without being killed by a speeding cab. 

You must be wondering how I was only 17 years old, but already had my own appartment. Well, my dad payed for it. He is basically paying for everything. He is fairly rich now, since he works day and night. He started doing so since my mom, ... well... died. Dear god, it was 7 years ago and tears still formed into my eyes when I thought of it. Man the fuck up Anna. I know this sounds like the typical teenage novel. But all those books had some reality in it. It was plain pathetic how much my life was like those novels. In some aspects. Anyways, after I got older I knew he couldn't look at me anymore since I look so much like her. He still loved me but he missed her so much, more than me x1000. I can't imagine what that is like. So when he offered me an appartment in downtown New York, I took the opertunity gladly. I had enough of the sadness and glum that was still attached to my house, where we were still living. And where better to start the perfect dancing career, than in NYC where apparently "dreams are made of." I'm much of a realist so I didn't particularly believe in that but we shall see I guess. 

I ran down the street to Molly's penthouse, carefully avoiding cabbies. She still lived with her parents, which was expected of the normal 17 year old. She wasn't normal though. Oh no, her parents were loaded. As in rich, rich. I wasn't exaclty poor, but in comparison to her, I might as well be a beggar. Her father was a major investor or something like that, honestly I didn't really know and care since I'm not the one to pick out the rich friends. She was just freaking stinking with the green stuff.

When I finally arrived I pressed the buzzer and almost immediatly heard, Robert, their butler, saying: "Hello, this is the Fingel residence. How may I help you?" To which I replied, "Yo, Robbie, can you tell Mols to get her lazy ass down here? I'm freezing." That wasn't technically true, it was spring, but it wasn't too cold. I heard him chuckle. "Why yes, Miss Anna," (after almost 5 years of me constantly begging him to call me Anna, since he would always call me Miss Lee, he finally gave in and from now on I was Anna. Freakin' finally.) "I'll tell Miss Fingel to come down" He finished. He was a good guy. I really liked him. He was like a second father.

I waited for 2 more minutes and finally my best friend came out. She was exentric to say the least. Her dark hair had neon pink highlights, that fitted her brown, oval eyes perfectly. She was absolutly stunning, and had an incredible bod. Don't get me wrong I'm not gay (nothing against gay people) but it had to be said. She also knew she was gorgeous, because she was a bit of a slut. She slept around alot, which was quite contrary to me. I was still a virgin, forsure. Never even close to losing my "big V". Anyway, Molly was also a pationate dancer, but not as good as me. We immediatly became best buds after finding out we shared the same spirit for dancing. 

"Mols, you made even more late! The audition is starting," I glanced at my watch, "about now". I started feverently running, but Molly could keep up with me. After a couple of blocks we reached our destination, and huffing and puffing she said "Gello, to you to my friend" She glared at me, and after a quick roll of the eyes from me, I went in the building and saw the sign-up papers for the audition. We both filled them in in silence, and the receptionist, who seemed quite young, showed us to a room full of sqealing girls, around the same age as us. In the middle stood Nathaniel Grey, pop sensation of today. World wide superstar. And from what I gathered from the magazines, A+ player. It ook only seconds for Molly to join them, while I took a seet at the far end of the room, rolling my eyes once more.

A/N: What do you think?!? I know alot of spelling mistakes, but English is my first language. Also I'm writing this, at 0:40 during the Olympic opening ceremony. So I'm working overdrive. Anyways, goodluck to your country in the Olympics and stuff. I'll update soon :)

Comment Please? :D 

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