Behind Me

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When Sunset and Celestia got home, Luna and Chrysalis where nowhere to be seen despite leaving a little while before they did. Though, Celestia had a feeling they left so Celestia could talk to the teen privately.

Sunset immediately flopped down on the couch with a sigh as Celestia went in the kitchen to make tea.

I am so glad I wasn't on the receiving end of that this time. Sunset thought to herself then smiled, Life just got infinitely more interesting, but... how was that even possible in the first place. There are only six elements, it just doesn't make sense. Though I suppose with friendship magic, it doesn't work if you leave out a friend.

Celestia came out of the kitchen with two mugs, handing one to Sunset as the girl sat up on the couch.

The silence was overwhelming for a moment before Celestia spoke, "Sunset, I am so sorry for my actions these past two days. I can only imagine how that must have felt."

"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt." Sunset said, "But I also want you to know that as soon as I walked into your office to tell you about the Dazzling's, I knew something wasn't right. It's why, after Rarity came to pick me up that night, I sent a text to Chrysalis, just in case something went wrong."

Celestia nodded, "I am really glad that you thought to contact her. I know we never discussed it, but I know if anything happened with me and Luna, Chrysalis would look after you." She took a deep breath, "Still, I remember the look your face every time you saw me and my sister. I could see that you were falling backwards and it hurts me to know that I didn't care."

The teen smiled sadly, "I know, it's probably what made the whole thing worse for me. You know how well I am at reading people and I saw how cold and empty you looked. It was the first time since living with you that I didn't want to be anywhere near you. I felt as alone as I did in that stupid building, only this time, I didn't really have anywhere to go. I felt like I was outside, looking in on everyone else."

Celestia took in her words. She'd lost the stability she'd gotten since living here.

"I'm sorry that we made you feel like that." Celestia apologized that seemed to be the umpteenth time that evening, "This whole situation with those girls had made me realize how foolish I have been lately."

Sunset gave her a quizzical look.

"For the last couple months, Chrysalis, Luna and even my parents have been trying to get me to do something that they knew I wanted but was, and still am, afraid of." Celestia said in attempt to explain.

"What are you getting at?" Sunset asked.

Celestia sighed and got up and left the room Sunset could hear the door to the study open then close a minute later before Celestia walked back over to the couch, holding a brown folder.

"Chrysalis made a point of finishing these before she went back home after the holidays." Celestia explained, "The papers in this folder can only happen with your consent and I don't want you to decide because you think it would make anyone else happy besides yourself. I want you to understand that this is your life and you get to decide what you want."

Sunset nodded and Celestia handed her the envelope.

She stared blankly at the page at first as her brain didn't want to focus at the time. When she could however, the title of the first page made her heart stop. It read: 'Adoption Request'.

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