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Sunset was genuinely happy during the week. The novelty of bullying her had almost entirely died down other than the hateful glares.

On Thursday after school, she walked into the music room as she had been during the entirety of the week, watching the Rainbooms' practice. Sunset loved the songs that Rainbow wrote and found it a lot less daunting that they grew ears and tails. In fact, it now made Sunset feel safer around them knowing they could keep her in line.

Just as they finished 'Shake Your Tail' there was a knock at the door and Vice-Principal Luna strode in, "You are sounding great girl's. I've just come to retrieve Sunset."

"I thought Principal Celestia was taking me home?" Sunset questioned.

Luna smiled, "I thought we could do some last-minute Christmas shopping before we leave on Monday."

"Just you and me?"

Luna nodded.

Sunset smiled, though she felt a bit uneasy as Luna had never asked to have time with her before. She gathered her things and said goodbye to her friends, wishing them a happy holiday then followed Luna out of the room and through the school.

Luna noticed Sunset was frowning slightly so, she gave her a small side hug and a reassuring smile, "I know how you feel but you will see them on New Year's."

Sunset sighed, "Yeah but that's almost two weeks from now. I haven't really gone so long without seeing them since the earthquake."

"At least you have Tia, Chrys and I so you will not be alone." Luna said.

Sunset saw a mischievous glint in her eye, "Something tells me you have a plan to keep me busy."

Luna chuckled, "You are learning to read me. I can't say I'm surprised, but it is impressive."

Sunset shrugged, "It helps that you don't try to hide it after school's done and while we're at home."

"I suppose I am just getting used to your presence." Luna said as they got into her black car.

"I'm glad." Sunset said then turned to Luna with a playful smile, "You know, it's hard to be afraid of you now that I know I'm more mature."

Luna took a double take at Sunset, surprised she felt comfortable enough to take a jab at her.

"Says the girl who's been drawing pastel ponies nonstop."

"I'm not 32 and playing computer games all night." Sunset poked.

"So, at least I didn't stupidly let a building fall on me."

Sunset found an opportunity to trip her up. "Says the one crushing on their best friend."

"You-" Luna stopped and looked at Sunset with a horrified expression.

Sunset no longer held her grin but did present a knowing smile.

"You little goblin." Luna said, "You're like a mini version of my sister!"

Sunset wasn't sure how to take that comment so she brushed it off, "Come on, Luna. I'm not stupid and you don't exactly hide it well. I could see it the first time I met her!"

Luna smiled, "Well, since you're not my sister, I'm not going to deny it."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything." Sunset assured her, "I just wanted to know and I didn't think I could ask you directly about it."

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