The Shelter

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Author's Note

I was doing so good at keeping to a schedule but, alas, I have no self control. My lack of self control is probably a welcome thing to all of you huh?

Anyway, enjoy!

            After school, Sunset was on the way home when Fluttershy stopped her at the Wonder Colt statue.

"Hello, Sunset." She said shyly, "I was... Well I- I was wondering if... Since you told me you like animals ... I wanted to..." She sighed and hung her head slightly, "You know what, never mind, you'll probably say no anyway."

The shy girl frowned and stared at the ground. Sunset furrowed her brows. Yes, she knew Fluttershy was uncomfortable with asking things of people, her especially, but the last thing she wanted was for Fluttershy to be afraid of her...again.

"It's OK, Fluttershy. It can't hurt to ask." Sunset flashed her a reassuring smile.

The fact that Sunset was actually making an effort gave Fluttershy a little more confidence in the other girl's answer, "Do you...I mean, if you're free... maybe, want to help me at the shelter today? I know we just became friends and all but this morning you were fawning over the pictures I had so I thought-"

"I'd love to." Sunset smiled brightly.

"OK I understand..." Fluttershy' eyes widened, "Really?"

Sunset shrugged, but kept her smile, "Sure! I don't see why not. I'm not doing anything and I thought they all looked adorable."

Fluttershy beamed and grabbed Sunset's arm, heading towards town, "Oh my goodness, this is going to be so much fun! I don't have friends to help me very often. Don't get me wrong, they help when they can but Rainbow Dash is slightly allergic to dander, AJ has the farm, Rarity helps when she's not working and Pinkie Pie..." she giggled, "Tries to impersonate them."

"Well I'm happy to help." Sunset said, "I've been to the shelter a lot in the winter when I find strays. I don't like seeing animals miserable when I can do something." Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, causing Sunset to look at the ground and frown, "Yeah I get it, absurd coming from me."

Fluttershy waved her hands out in front of her, "No that's not it, I've seen you out of school a few times and you never seemed like the horrible bully you were at school, no offence."

She sighed, "None taken."

"Anyway," Fluttershy continued, "I always hid from you, especially at the shelter but if I'm being honest, you were never really as bad as everyone is leading on."

They walked in silence other than the odd small talk until they made it to the animal shelter. They entered the creme colored building and moved behind the counter to the back area. Sunset was silent as Fluttershy went to fetch the head veterinarian. The pony-turned-human stared at the ground with a blank expression as Fluttershy's words sank in.

To Sunset, others saying she wasn't as bad as people think was just as outlandish and idea as saying she was in some sort of fan fiction where the writer would put her through this misery for fun. Absolutely ridiculous and highly unlikely.

Sunset was snapped out of her thoughts when a tall woman entered the room. She had a head of graying sky-blue hair and pale orange-green skin.

"Sunset?" She looked at the other teen quizzically, "What are you doing here?" she looked to Fluttershy, "I thought you said that your new friend used to be a bully?"

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