First Rounds

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Author's Note

OOOOOOOHHHH! Only 3 chapters left!

It's funny, I get home from work at 1 in the morning so I can post this chapter before I go to sleep!

So, I get the programs I need to start the audio book tomorrow and I will work on the scripts for the weekend and, if i'm lucky, half of them will be done and I can start getting the recordings. I am going to ATTEMPT to animate Sunset's dreams BUT don't hold be to that. It might turn out crappy and i scrap it.

Also, just a heads up, I will post an extra chapter with dates when the second volume will begin posting and when the Audio book starts!

See you guys tomorrow!


Sunset sat by the amp with Spike as the band tried to play the counter spell for the sixth time.

"They aren't getting any better, are they?" Spike said, holding his paws over his ears.

Sunset shook her head, turning a dial on the amp as a high-pitched sound came over it, "Even I can tell this isn't going to work."

Sunset watched them closer, and saw each of them, save for Fluttershy and Twilight, shooting another member some kind of dirty look.

It's not the music that's terrible. Sunset thought, Well, actually it is, but their whole dynamic is less than friendly. None of them seem to be enjoying themselves.

When the song was done, Spike spoke nervously, "That was way better than the last...five...times you played it."

"Nope." Big Mac said as he passed the barn.

"I think it's pretty obvious what's going wrong with this counter spell." Rainbow started.

"You're turnin' what should be the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo?" Applejack said in a disapproving tone.

"Well I've got to pick up the slack somehow." Rainbow replied.

No, they need to stop arguing. This is wrong, and quite frankly, stupid. Sunset thought before glancing at her phone, seeing the time.

"Guys!" Sunset said, getting up, "You don't have time for this. You're supposed to check in at the battle of the bands in fifteen minutes!"

They all exchanged glances before everyone started to rush around, grabbing their equipment and putting it in the back of Big Mac's truck. Twilight started to panic, knowing the counter spell probably won't work.

So, they were going to have compete and, hopefully, stay in until the finals so the girls could unleash the counter spell.


The first round was an absolute train wreck for the Rainbooms. Rarity wore a really flashy outfit that Sunset thought suited the girl. However, the competition turned dirty as someone attempted to sabotage them using magnets and playing with a stage light.

It irritated Sunset because it was so obvious what was happening but Celestia and Luna didn't seem to notice, or even care. They even enthusiastically clapped afterwards.

Sunset was angry, so, after she sent the girls to find someplace to practice, she decided to go find the sirens.

Sunset waited by the gym's entrance and, within moments, the sirens rounded the corner with their irritatingly smug expressions.

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