What To Do

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Celestia got home late after her talk with Sunset. She didn't like to see the girl so distraught. However, it surprised Celestia that she even wanted to speak to her in the first place.

"Luna," Celestia called upon getting in the door, "I'm home."

"Took you long enough." The younger sister called.

Celestia took her coat and shoes off at the door then followed the sweet smell of spaghetti into the kitchen. Luna was leaning against the island in a t-shirt from one of her video games playing on a blue DS.

"What took you so long?" Luna asked after putting her game on the counter.

"Sunset came to see me after school today." Celestia said simply.

Luna looked at her sister skeptically, "Really? Or is this just a ploy so you didn't have to make dinner?"

Celestia chuckled a little, "No, she really did come to see me. She had concerns regarding her new friends. She also shared with me about the kind of life she'd had in...where ever she came from."

Luna saw Celestia frown when she finished speaking, "There's something else."

"She's never actually had a family." Celestia sighed, "She was adopted when she was small, her parents treated her like a baby her entire life. Then she went to another person, um, pony I guess? Who gave her too much freedom. There she was practically forced into adulthood, she doesn't know what it's like to be able to be herself or even how to be a teenager!"

Luna nodded knowingly, "Well, at least she's actually talking to someone. Not like the ticking time bomb I was."

"She needs out of that building." Celestia pouted, "I didn't even look structurally sound."

Luna could see the direction in which her sister was heading and though she had thought about it as well, it just didn't seem like the best time to act upon it, "What she needs is someone she can go talk to and to be surrounded by people who won't bring her down."

Celestia knew full well that Luna was right. Even though there was something she could do, the timing might make Sunset distance herself from them and that would make the girl's situation harder than Sunset could handle.

"Your right." Celestia said, "It's just... watching her break down in my office like that, it just got to me. I could see how lonely she was."

Again, Luna nodded, "I know what you're thinking, Tia, and I understand why but we barely know her and she barely knows us."

"I know, and your right." Celestia said sternly, "As much as I want to act, I cannot with knowing so little about her. Besides," Celestia looked hungrily at the spaghetti, "I believe you made a wonderful dinner!"

Luna smiled and they went on talking about their day and any other topics that happened to come to mind. After dinner, the two ladies cleaned up the kitchen and went on to do their own thing. Luna retreated to her room or, 'Night-lair' as she liked to call it, while Celestia took to the study and went straight to one of the large book shelves that contained all of her fiction novels.

She smiled upon looking at all of the shelves in her room. It was so much like a library, she could almost forget that she was even at home. Most of her collection was gotten over a few generations of her family, including herself, but a vast majority was given to her by her's and Luna's old mentor. She did miss Starswirl and his beard he was just so fond of. Honestly, Celestia just wished he'd shaved it off.

That was six years ago. She had been no older than twenty-six when he passed and she missed him every moment. It was, in fact, because of him that Celestia and Luna had turned out so well. They were very troublesome teens, more so Luna but then again, Celestia was always the mature one. Starswirl's passing was hard for her, Luna and their family. He had made a big impression on all of their lives and without a family of his own, he became a part of theirs.

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