Coming To

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Luna yawned and walked into Sunset's hospital room on Saturday afternoon. She ended up having to go to the school in order to finished all or her own paperwork form the week on top of her sister's. Usually, if Celestia was off, Luna would just bring it home for her but this was a special case, Celestia didn't need to worry about work at a time like this.

"What time did you get here?" Luna asked.

Celestia looked at the clock, "Only a couple of hours ago."

"At least you actually came home last night." Luna said, "You haven't been back for a few days."

"I do need to shower from time to time." Celestia half joked.

Luna handed her a plastic bag and she looked at it questioningly.

"What is it?" Celestia asked.

Luna smiled, "For when she wakes up."

Celestia looked inside the bag and smiled, "I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

A little while later a nurse walked in to check on Sunset. At the time, Celestia was holding the girl's hand while she read a book. It was something she had started doing in the last few days, offering the girl as much comfort she could so Sunset knew she wasn't alone.

"That's strange..." the nurse mused, looking Sunset over.

"What is?" Celestia asked worriedly, "Is there something wrong?"

"No," She said, "I'll be right back."

Celestia and Luna exchanged confused glances and waited for the nurse to return.

After twenty minutes, the nurse returned with Sunset's doctor.

He moved to Sunset's left side, then stood back and looked the girl over.

"Are you her caretaker?" He asked Celestia.

"I am." She nodded.

"Well, it seems that your ward has been...well, fidgety." He said, "Her IV came out and it was fine last night."

"We double checked the tapes to be sure, she does move ever so slightly throughout the night." She said.

"So, what does this mean?" Luna asked cautiously.

"Well, it's not uncommon for some coma patients to twitch from muscle memory, but it seems that she was actually moving." He explained, "Besides, she was completely motionless until last night. If I were to take an educated guess, I'd say that Sunset here was just about ready to get up."

Celestia smiled.

The nurse went over to Sunset to replace her IV. When she attempted to press the needle back in to her arm, Sunset's arm jerked itself out of the way. The needle ended cutting the Nurse's finger.

"Ow, OK." She said, sucking on the cut, "She doesn't like needles. Got it."

The doctor chuckled, "Here." He replaced the needle itself, then put it back in Sunset's arm then securely taped it down. "Like I said, I think she's ready."

He grabbed her chart and read it over. At one point, he looked from the paper to Sunset a few times.

"A building fell on top of her?" he questioned, "And she's alive?"

"Yes," Luna smiled, "I believe the other nurse's words were, 'rock star'."

"I can see why." He chuckled, "Anyway, I'll leave you ladies alone."

With that, he replaced Sunset's chart then left the room, followed by the nurse.

Out of curiosity, Luna looked at Sunset's chart, and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

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