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Author's Note

Second chapter in honor of me! Wow that sounded way more egotistical than in my head.

Also, I have a schedual now! Like a litteral whiteboard that has 2 weeks of schedual sp I can balance writing AND work. Meaning that crap will actually get done! Really excited for Tears! I just got my binder filed for writing! I got my outlines, character profiles and, I think a friend of mine is going to Sunset for the audio book! Things are coming around!
After an amazing holiday, everyone had to go back to school. The worst part was that everyone still hated Sunset. The only difference now though, was that she just didn't care.

The first and second weeks back were filled with exam prep and band practice. The musical showcase was set to begin the day after finals ended as a reprieve from the tests.

Soon, exams came to a close and Sunset talked to her boss who told her she would start back up in two weeks.


"I think showing the new student's around the school tomorrow is a great idea, Sunset!" Celestia said.

"Yeah, well, I don't really want their first impression of me be some rumor or story about the old me." Sunset explained.

"I do have some good news." Celestia smiled, and walked around her desk, "I finally got the city to let us use the stage for the event."

Sunset jumped up excitedly and hugged the older woman. "That's great! You've been trying to convince them for weeks."

"Did you ever talk to your friends about being in the band?" Celestia asked

Sunset frowned and shook her head, "Not yet, but I will after the showcase. Lately, everyone has been really on edge because of the band. They seem to be arguing a lot. AJ's on about Rarity's costumes, Rainbow is hogging the spotlight and no one seems to acknowledge Fluttershy. She's written some great songs but Rainbow always pushes them to the side."

"Why don't you say anything?" Celestia asked.

Sunset shrugged, "I don't think it's my place. I'm still really new to the group."

"Well," Celestia said, "I trust that you will do the right thing in the end."

Sunset smiled, "Thanks."

Celestia sighed, "One more thing before you go meet your friends." Sunset gave Celestia her attention, "I'm sorry for the mention of the formal in the gym earlier."

Sunset frowned for a moment then smiled, "It's fine. I Honestly, don't care anymore. People can only do something for so long before it gets old."

"Alright then. Vice-Principal Luna will call you down when the girls get here."

Sunset waved to Celestia then went to find her friends in the band room


After the tour, Sunset was feeling uneasy. The girls she showed around, Adagio, Aria and Sonata, for some reason. Sunset could sense an energy surrounding them that she couldn't seem to place.

So, she went to the cafeteria to talk to her friends about it but even they didn't seem to get what was going on. That was, until, the three new girls came into the cafeteria, singing a song about turning the showcase into a battle of the bands.

What's going on? Sunset questioned, I can feel magic but...that's impossible.

She continued to watch and noticed a green mist coming off of the students as they all started to argue.

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