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Monday morning came at last, much to Sunset's displeasure. It was her first day back into the regular school day since her suspension ended. She took as breath as she stepped off the bus in front of the school. She couldn't help but wonder if she had made anyone this terrified to enter the school.

She walked across the street and could already feel the hateful gazes upon her and the odd insult shouted or whispered. When they first started, she had handled them well but the more hate she endured, the more it seemed to sting. Almost everyone in the school was in on this and Sunset let them get all their anger out. They had every right.

One thing did puzzle her though, other than Snips and Snails, there were five people who never gave her any trouble; Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack. All they did was watch her and study her every move when they could see her. To be fair though, they did have to hit her with a rainbow laser. They were probably just being careful.

Not a moment after opening her locker, she was shoved inside it. When the door closed she could see Trixie standing there with a triumphant grin on her face through the grates.

"Hope you like it in there." Trixie said as she stepped forward.


Sunset's eyes widened. She had locked her in. Even Sunset thought this over the top. Never had she ever locked someone in a locker. It was dangerous, especially if that person was claustrophobic. The one thing Sunset refused to do, was to do anything that would cause physical harm to the receiving party. Now, she was trapped and feeling the tendrils of claustrophobia closing in.

Trixie laughed as Sunset banged against the door while trying not to hyperventilate but it wasn't working. She was starting to have a hard time breathing as the bell rang for class and the hallway cleared. She knew very well that most teenagers wouldn't even remember she was in there come next period. She panicked more.

After a futile effort of trying to open the door, she became frantic and desperate, trying to beat the door open with her head, having lost all self control. Sunset started to tremble as her breathing quickened and her heart beat hard in her chest to the point it felt like it would break out. She was forced to stop beating her locker as she was now gasping for breath, now having a full-blown panic attack. Sunset's mind was blank as she fought for breath.

"Et-...lock...ombo?" A voice tried to reach her but she was having a hard time getting it to register.

The muffled sounds of more voices sounded outside the locker but Sunset couldn't make them out.

"Breath." A voice came, one she recognized but couldn't place or describe at the moment but somehow, it reached her and she tried to slow her breathing, "We need your combination to get ya out." It said again, "Just breath."

She tried to say something but she couldn't work her jaw and the world started spinning, she just slammed her head on the door once to try to say that she heard them.

"Knock it." The voice suggested, "Try knocking the combination."

Sunset slammed her knee against the locker twice.

"Two." The voice confirmed, she knocked again this one taking more time, "twenty-five." One last knock, "seven."

With that Sunset heard a click and the door was yanked open. Sunset was a little calmer but her legs were like jelly and she fell forward but two hands gripped her tightly and lead her so she was sitting on the ground against the lockers. Her shoulders shook as she brought her knees up to bury her head.

A hand lay its self on her shoulder and another rubbed her back, telling her to breath, walking her through some breathing exercises, "It's ok. You're ok." This voice though, was different, much softer than the other one but as she started to calm down, she realized she still didn't know who her saviors were.

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