Summer and Sun

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                Sunset stood nervously outside the passenger door of Celestia's SUV, looking at the massive house in front of her. It was two stories but the entire house was at least twice the size as Luna and Celestia's. The front door was under a small stone awning held up by two white pillars. Bare bushes sat under the front first floor windows and from where she stood, Sunset could make out a white gazebo that was obviously not in use as it was covered in fluffy white snow.

"Are you OK, Sunset?" Chrysalis asked, giggling at her reaction.

"It's..." She trailed off.

"Big, I know." she agreed, "They bought this place when Summer retired."

"Sunset, Chrysalis a little help please?" Celestia called.

Obediently, they split off in order to help unload both vehicles.

Sunset slipped her back pack over her shoulders then allowed Celestia to place various packages in her arms.

"Uh, Celestia?" Sunset asked.

"What is it?" She asked attentively.

"What if I don't get along with them?"

Celestia looked in Sunset's worried eyes and smiled, "They'll love you Sunset. If it helps, I'm sure you and my mom will get along fine. She really likes to paint and sing."

Sunset gave a nod and she followed Celestia to the door where Luna and Chrysalis were already being greeted by the old couple.

As they got closer, Sunset could make out their appearances. The woman wore a warm, welcoming smile like Celestia's. Her hair was almost completely grey but you could still make out the greens and blacks of her natural hair color. Her blue skin was much like Luna's with the same soft pink eyes as Celestia.

The man had a friendly yet playful smile that reminded Sunset too much of Luna. He was one of the few elderly gentlemen that kept all of his hair that was a greying midnight blue. He had smoky grey-pink skin and dark hazel eyes that matched Luna's own.

When they saw Sunset and Celestia approach, they quickly ushered the four inside to drop the packages off in the living room before proceeding to actually greet the four ladies. Sunset stuck close to Celestia, her nerves starting to overload her brain.

"Sunset?" Celestia caught the teen's attention and directed it towards the older couple, "This is my mother and father: Summer Eclipse and Black Sun."

"Nice to meet you both." Sunset said, nervousness clear in her voice, "I'm Sunset Shimmer but you can just call me Sunset."

Black Sun chuckled, "Just call me Sun." He pointed at Sunset's chest, "You got something on your jacket by the way."

Sunset didn't look and raised a brow, "I'm not falling for that." She stated.

Still he didn't remove his finger, just stood there and smiled. They simply just stared at each other and was battling the urge to look. The other three just watched with interest.

After another moment, Sun spoke, "This is a nice phone by the way," he held up Sunset's phone in its orange case, still holding his finger to her chest.

Sunset's eyes widened, "How did you-"

She made the mistake of looking down to her pocket, allowing Sun to flick her nose. Sunset looked shocked as everyone snickered.

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