Coming Together

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Author's Note

I actually had to take a deep breath before doing the Author's Note for this one. Tomorrow I will post the final 2 chapters of Scars, One before work and one after work.

Do not worry I will let EVERYONE know when I'm posting the second Volume; blog post, chapter here, and Twitter (@JWolfSilver). So you will know. It will probably come out between December 2018 and March 2019.

Audio book casting is still going on and I will be sending out the Script and releasing a final cast sheet sometime in August.

Well, I guess I will see you all tomorrow.


Sunset sat up just as Trixie shut the door. They were trapped.

"I can't see." Rainbow complained.

"Who's there?" Fluttershy said in a shaky voice.

Sunset stood up and took out her phone, shining the dim light until she found what she was looking for. She pulled the little cord, causing a small light on one side of the room to flick on.

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief as Rainbow tried the door.

"Locked." Rainbow said.

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Of course it is. Trixie wanted us to be trapped down here, she wouldn't leave the door unlocked."

Sunset checked her phone. No signal. And I thought things couldn't get any worse.

"Spike?" Twilight asked aloud, "Where's Spike?"

Sunset looked to see Twilight searching for her dog. She scanned the room as well but there was no sign of him.

"He probably didn't make it down with us." Sunset said, "I'm sure he's fine."

"Do you think he's going to find help?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight sighed and sat on the ground, "I hope so.

Sunset frowned, wanting to believe Spike would find them help, however, it would need to be someone who wasn't under the sirens influence. That also meant he had to avoid being caught first.


Spike ran towards the school, I have to get help!

He slipped into the school as a couple people where leaving.

"Help!" he called down the empty hallway but there was no answer.

He rounded the corner and saw Flash Sentry arguing with his band members.

"Flash!" Spike called as he ran up to them, "Twilight and the others, they're trapped under the stage! We need to go help them!"

Flash scowled and scoffed, "Why would I help them? They took my dream away from me."

"You don't understand." Spike pleaded, "You're under a spell. They just want to help!"

"If they wanted to help, they wouldn't have gotten in my way!" He yelled at Spike then stormed off down the hallway.

Who else, who else... Spike thought, I know!

He dashed down the hallway until he made it to the main office where Celestia and Luna were in their perspective offices.

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