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By the time Monday morning rolled around, Sunset felt a lot better about going back to school. She was finally able to kick the headache from her concussion; meaning she didn't have to sit out of gym again, though she did enjoy the quiet of the library. She had finished her art project on Sunday so she was good to go. However, it wasn't any of those things that made her feel at ease, it was the five girls that had promised to look out for her.

During their get together, they all got to know Sunset, and Sunset got to know each of the girls a little better as well. She learned that Rainbow Dash enjoyed Daring Do books as well, but Rainbow was way more of a fangirl than she was. Fluttershy was also a vegetarian and was really good at sewing. Pinkie Pie, well, is Pinkie Pie. Applejack was also pretty straightforward and so was Rarity but there were a lot of little tidbits Sunset found interesting to know.

The thing that got her was that all the things they were sharing; was in complete confidence. Sunset could easily take all that information and crush them with it but she couldn't bear to bring herself to even entertain the idea. If she was being honest with herself, she had been incredibly lonely in the time she had been in this world and she was tired of it. Maybe accepting friendship was her way out.

As Sunset walked up to the school from the bus stop, she saw Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy hanging out by the Canterlot High statue. Rainbow was kicking around a hacky-sack, Fluttershy was scribbling in her note book and Pinkie Pie seemed to be looking for someone, scanning the grounds of students arriving early with such a serious look on her face it was almost ridiculous. It was then that Pinkie's gaze rested on Sunset.

The pink haired girl smiled and ran in her direction, "Sunset! I've scanned the perimeter for Gilda and Trixie," her expression was serious before she gave a triumphant smirk, "The coast is clear."

Sunset rolled her eyes but smiled at the gesture, "Thanks Pinkie, I appreciate it. Though I doubt they would be here, they're suspended."

"I told you." Rainbow said as they reached the statue.

"Well you never know." Fluttershy spoke, "Gilda doesn't seem like she would listen to authority."

"Well," Sunset added, "She is transferring to Crystal Prep. I doubt she'd even want to come back here, even just to get even."

"If she does, we've got your back now that you aren't avoiding us." Rainbow said, still kicking the sac around.

Sunset smiled and mumbled a quick 'thanks' as pinkie hopped up to the statue and continued her 'look out'.

The fiery haired girl weighed her options carefully, What do I do now? Do I stay? Or do I continue going into the school? Would they think I'm avoiding them if I keep going?

Luckily, she didn't have to fret over it for more than a moment because Fluttershy caught her attention.

"Hey, Sunset," The quiet girl spoke, "Do you like animals?"

Sunset mentally thanked her and smiled, "Yeah, actually, I do."

"You want to see some pictures of the animals we have at the shelter?" the girl held up her phone with its green case with three butterflies on the front.

Sunset nodded and sat next to the animal lover as she showed her the pictures, even explaining how some of them came to be at the shelter in the first place. It broke the former bully's heart to hear the stories of abused animals, ones whose owners died or even as simple as strays being found on their last legs.

Eventually, Applejack and Rarity joined them and struck up conversations with Sunset. They were all feeling relieved that Sunset had loosened up significantly since their meeting on Saturday.

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