New Home

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Sunset got out of Celestia's SUV and followed her up the walkway. It had gotten colder since she left the hospital earlier in the day, so she was thankful that Celestia made her get a winter jacket. The warmth of the black and orange jacket was more than welcome in the cold air.

Celestia opened up the front door and stepped inside, holding the door open for Sunset, "Luna, we're here!"

Sunset nervously followed Celestia in taking their boots and coats off. They made their way through the house into the living room. Luna was sitting on the couch, fiddling with a laptop while the TV was playing some sci-fi movie.

"Hello." Luna turned and greeted, "How does it feel to be out of the hospital, Sunset?"

"Good." She replied, scanning the room, "It's nice to stretch my legs."

"That's good to hear." Luna scanned through the computer then set it down, "Did my sister lay the basic ground rules?"

"Call if I'm going to be late, don't go into your room, no-"

"That's all I need to know." Luna affirmed before walking off into the kitchen.

"Um, OK?" Sunset looked at Celestia with a confused expression, "Should I be worried?"

"Only if you go into her room." Celestia told her nonchalantly.


"So, I guess a tour is in order." She gestured to the room, "This is the living room."

Sunset snickered at the obvious statement but followed her through some double glass doors into a room with a huge table.

"This is the dining room." Celestia said.

She leads her through another set of doors, into a quite large, kitchen where Luna was sitting at the island, looking at her phone with a glass of juice in front of her.

"Kitchen." Celestia said simply, "You are welcome to use or eat anything in here-"

"Except for the alcohol in the cupboard above the fridge." Luna stated, never taking her eyes off her phone.

"Right, that's off limits." Celestia agreed, "I also did some shopping yesterday and got more vegetables and other alternatives for meals for you as well."

"You really didn't have to." Sunset stated, "I don't really want to put you two out."

"If we thought you were going to 'put us out'," Luna turned to look at Sunset, "We would have abandoned this idea months ago. You are now living here so it's only right that we make sure there is food you actually like. Celestia and I understand why you don't eat meat and we accept that."

"I can eat chicken and turkey though." Sunset claimed.

"Now I'm lost." Celestia said.

"I just won't eat meat with hooves." Sunset explained, "In Equestria, those types of animals were sentient. Chickens here are just...chickens. It was just easier to tell people I was vegetarian because I couldn't exactly tell them why I would only eat chicken. Besides, I never got meat that often to begin with so it didn't matter."

"I see." Celestia thought, "I suppose that makes sense. Anyway, shall we continue?"

Sunset nodded and they continued the tour. She was especially impressed with the massive study that no doubt took up a quarter of the house on its own. Next, was the guest room and the downstairs bathroom. The basement was apparently something Luna would show her eventually so, they then made their way upstairs.

"My room is just at the end of the hall to the right. The bath room is here," She pointed to the only other door on the right, "And this, is now your room." Celestia lead Sunset inside and let Sunset look around a bit, setting her bag on the bed.

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