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"Ok, thank you Tender Heart. I'll let her teacher know." Celestia said into the phone Turning her attention to the two girls sitting across from her.

Gilda sat, arms crossed with an angry expression across her face. Sure, she just beat up Sunset Shimmer but the redhead had it coming. Trixie however, remained silent. She had never been in serious trouble before now. The most she'd gotten was detention from a magic trick gone south.

"Now," Celestia said to the girls, "I would like an explanation as to what I just witnessed."

Gilda perked up then put on the fakest pouty face Principal Celestia had ever seen.

"It was Shimmer, honest." Gilda whined, "She came at me and Trixie! We were just hanging out and she started bad mouthing us. Then, when I told her to buzz off, she punched me! I was just defending myself."

Celestia took note of Trixie's surprised expression, a clear indication of what the Principal already knew, Gilda was lying.

"We do not tolerate violence at this school Gilda." Celestia dead panned the girl, "Nor do we condone lying to the Principal."

"But she-" Gilda tried but was interrupted by Principal Celestia's hand.

"Gilda, in all the time Sunset has been a student here, she has never once initiated violence and with the state she's in now, I doubt she even has the energy to do such a thing." Celestia spoke then calmed herself with a sigh, "Since you are transferring to Crystal Prep next week, you are here by suspended for the next two weeks, out of school. If I catch you near Sunset on school grounds, I will call the authorities and if I catch you near here outside of school," Celestia's expression and tone turned dark, "You will have more than just the police to deal with. Now get out."

Gilda shivered at the coldness of the usually kind Principal's voice. That glare followed her until the door shut behind her, leaving only Celestia and Trixie alone in the office.

Celestia held her glare for a moment before realizing what she had just done, Did I just threaten a student? What was I thinking? She could file a lawsuit! I could lose my job. She went into a panic before realizing she was still in the presence of a student.

"Miss Lulamoon," She said with authority, "Though I know you aren't one for flailing fist, I do wish to hear what happened. Exactly."

"I-I'm sorry." She muttered as tears welled in her eyes, "I- Gilda, I didn't know she would actually harm Sunset, I just asked her to scare her, stop her from coming to Canterlot high! We don't want to be under her rule again!"

"What would make you think that she would 'rule' again?" Celestia asked curiously.

Trixie stared blankly, "I-She...well she...It's just what Sunset Shimmer does."

"As I see it," Celestia spoke, "Sunset has done nothing to you, or anyone else at this school since the fall formal. The Sunset I saw on Monday, was one who regrets what she's done to the point of believing she deserved to be shoved and locked in her own locker." She gave Trixie a pointed glare as the girl tensed at the mention of the incident. "Yes, I've known it was you since Pinkie Pie came to me when her friends were trying to free Sunset."

"Snitch." Trixie said under her breath but Principal Celestia heard.

This made the practiced Principal's eyebrow twitch. It took all of her willpower to not lash out at the young girl. Instead, she did the next best thing; tell the full, heart crushing truth.

"Do you know where Sunset was on Monday afternoon?" asked Celestia, "Truthfully."

"Well, I assumed she'd skipped school." Trixie said.

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