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Sunset had woken up again early Sunday morning. She was incredibly confused and disoriented, having no idea where or even, what she was. Sunset had woken up screaming, saying things like, 'What did you do to me?' and 'what are these?' while looking at her hands.

She was so disoriented, Sunset had made the mistake of attempting to sit up, irritating her broken ribs. The girl had screamed in pain then panicking because still, she had no idea where she was. Sunset wouldn't let anyone touch her or even calm her down.

"Don't touch me!" Sunset screamed viciously, "Just tell me what the hell is going on! Where am I?"

Eventually, Celestia stepped in at the request of Sunset's doctor, hoping to not have to result to drugs.

Celestia managed to get a hold of Sunset's face, forcing the girl to look at her, "Sunset, you need to relax or you're going to hurt yourself more." Sunset struggled against the older woman, "Sunset stop!" She spoke in her 'principal' voice, Sunset stopped struggling to look at her with tears in her eyes, "Now, listen. You were in an accident and now you're in the hospital. You were hurt and if you keep moving around, you're going to hurt yourself more. Do you want that?"

Sunset shook her head and physically relaxed. Celestia let her go and she settled back down on the pillow.

"Now, the doctor's need to change the bandage on your head." Celestia said, "Do you understand?"

Sunset nodded and one of the nurses took over. After the bandages were changed, the nurse left the room, Celestia approached Sunset again.

"How do you feel?" Celestia asked.

"Like I got hit by a bus." She grumbled.

"You should get some more rest." Celestia suggested.

Sunset grumbled again, "Not until somepony tells me what happened."

Celestia smirked a bit at the, obviously, Equestrian term, "Why don't we talk about this when you're more focused, OK?"

Sunset grumbled but reluctantly agreed.

Celestia sighed inwardly, This is going to be a long day.

Celestia knew that Sunset would be irritable, having just come out of a coma. Her sister was the same way.

In moments, Sunset was sleeping soundly once again.

Celestia sat back in her chair and opened her book. For the first time in over a week, she was finally able to concentrate on the story. Sunset was in and out of sleep for the rest of the day, never awake for more than five or ten minutes at a time.


Monday morning at Canterlot High was still met with the somber faces of the five friends of Sunset Shimmer. They acknowledged that Principal Celestia was not in school again, most likely still waiting at the hospital with Sunset. It irritated the five girls that they couldn't see her but understood the hospital's policies. They were just glad someone was there.

The lunch period was almost over when the secretary's voice came over the speakers, "Will the following students please report to Vice-Principal Luna's office; Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Thank you."

The five girls looked confused for a moment as they gathered up their things but it didn't take them long to realize why they would be called to Vice-Principal Luna's office; she had news on Sunset.

After that; they practically ran to the office. Rainbow Dash was the first to enter the main office and, before anyone could stop her, she burst into Vice-Principal Luna's office without knocking.

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