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Celestia woke up fairly early to do some basic house cleaning in order to prepare for Sunset finally getting out of the hospital, even if she was probably going to be resting in her room for the next few days.

Turns out, she wasn't exactly the quietest person while cleaning as Luna came stomping out of her room.

"Tia!" Luna yelled, "It is seven in the morning! I should not be awake until at least ten! The house is clean enough, I doubt Sunset will care if she sees a measly speck of dust."

"I know." She said as she sat down on the couch, "I'm just nervous. What if she doesn't like it here? We didn't exactly give her a choice."

"As far as Sunset goes," Luna stood next to the couch, arms crossed, "You have nothing to worry about. We have already explained this to her and she seemed genuinely thankful for what we're doing for her." She smirked, "Besides she did say you reminded her of he-"

"Luna!" Celestia protested.

"What? I'm just saying, it is probably not going to be that much different from the last two months." Luna explained.

"Except that now, she'll be living under our roof." Celestia groaned.

"Try not to think about it so much, Tia." Luna placed a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder, "Everything will be fine."

Celestia smiled, "You're right. I'm over reacting."

"Of course, I am!" Luna said proudly, then looked at the clock, "You should probably at least make her bed before you get her."

Celestia's eyes widened in realization, "I completely forgot!"

Luna chuckled as her sister ran upstairs.

"Is she done?" Chrysalis asked as she poked her head in from her guest room.

"I believe so." Luna said then giggled, "Remember when we were kids and she cleaned the entire house for that bird."

Chrysalis laughed, "Yeah and she had Discord come over to help her reach the top of the bookshelf."

"Ah yes. Good times." Luna smiled then stared at her friend, "I'm really glad you changed professions."

"I know." Chrys smiled at the smaller woman, "I don't think you and Celestia could handle another trip to the hospital."

Luna snorted, "A lot of good that did."

"At least it wasn't you or me again." She said.

"Chrys, I have only been in the hospital twice and one of them was my own stupidity." Luna said, "You have been in the hospital six times."

Chrysalis flinched for a moment at a memory then shrugged, "And you and Tia helped me each time. Besides, it was because of you that I left the F.B.I. I didn't like seeing you so upset all the time."

They stood in silence for another few minutes, just smiling at each other until Chrys' watch beeped.

"Sorry, Lu." Chrysalis said, reaching into her room to grab her duffel bag. "I have to head out, can't blow off work forever."

"I know what you mean." Luna smiled, "I'm glad that my sister is coming back to school on Monday."

"What about the kid?" She asked.

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