The Mall

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Sunset's first few days back at school were better than she expected. For the most part, unless someone referred to the formal, everyone pretty much ignored her. It was surprisingly comforting to know that, though the students still didn't particularity like her, they left her alone. It most likely had a lot to do with what happened in the cafeteria the week Sunset was still in a coma.

Saturday morning, Sunset woke with a start, gasping for air. Another nightmare plagued her dreams. Now though it was of Sunset, yet again taking advantage of magic, her friends magic. All it resulted in was the demon inside her taking over.

After a few moments, she shook the thoughts from her head and looked around her room. She was still having trouble believing it was truly hers. It was almost like a dream that she would wake up from at any moment.

Sunset walked into the kitchen and found Celestia doing some work on her laptop, already fully dressed. When the older woman saw her, they exchanged smiles as Sunset put some bread in the toaster and sat across from her.

"How did you sleep?" Celestia asked.

"Good." Sunset said, choosing not to tell Celestia about her nightmare.

"I'm glad to hear." Celestia smiled.

When the toaster popped, Sunset grabbed the cream cheese form the fridge and spread it on the toast then returned to the table where she began to munch on her breakfast.

"So," Celestia said as she saved her document and closed the computer, "Do you have anything planned with your friends today?"

Sunset swallowed her bite and shook her head, "No, why?"

"Well, I thought you and I could take that trip to the mall." Celestia said, "I would like to get you some new clothes. A lot of the ones you have now are old and tearing...or charred."

Sunset's eyes widened, "You, uh, don't have to do that. When I go back to work, I can buy my own clothes."

Celestia looked softly at Sunset, "I want to. I know most girls your age buys their own clothes but, this is more of a necessity than a luxury. When was the last time you had new clothes?"

"I generally go to the thrift store." Sunset explained, "Since coming here, I've been growing too fast to warrant new clothes every three or four months."

Celestia placed a finger to her chin in thought, "Well in this world, most teenage girls, for the most part, start to slow down in their growth by now. Besides, you need warmer clothes all together. It's the middle of winter and wearing only your skirts are going to get you sick."

"But I can pay for them myself." Sunset pouted.

Little did they realize, Luna had been standing at the entryway, listening to their entire conversation. She sighed at Sunset's resistance and maturity that, in all honesty, was well beyond her years.

Eventually, she intervened, "Stop arguing with her. My sister has made up her mind."

Sunset studied Celestia's adamant, authoritative gaze and sighed, "OK, fine."

Celestia smiled then sent the teen upstairs to get ready.

Luna sat where Sunset had been and looked her sister in the eyes, "Tia, I think you need to make her understand her knew situation. I do not think she will come to the conclusion on her own."

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