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Author's Note


Well, this is it. The last weekly post for Scars of Our past. Everything but the Author's notes is prepped and ready for next week where, starting Monday, I will post at least 1 chapter every day for 7 straight days. The 24th is my birthday, meaning 2 chapters same with the last day.

Sunset was rudely awoken by a large weight jumping on to her bed. She tried to ignore it but it incessantly bounced in place. With a grumble, she opened her eyes to see Luna sitting on top of her. Sunset glared at the older woman and shifted so Luna ended up on the floor.

When Sunset rolled back over, Luna huffed, "Get up! The faster you're out of bed the faster we can open presents! It's already seven o'clock!"

"It's a holiday." Sunset said into her pillow

"It's Christmas! In this family, you don't get to sleep in." Luna informed.

Sunset honestly didn't care what traditions they had, despite knowing it was probably instilled by Luna at a young age, she had no intention on getting up until she was good and ready. Sadly, hers and Luna's brains were not on the same wavelength.

Luna threw the covers off of Sunset and physically yanked her out of bed.

"Hey!" Sunset yelled in protest, "What is wrong with you?!" Sunset tried to get free, "Put me down!"

"Are you awake?" Luna questioned calmly.

"Luna, just put her down." Celestia said, standing in the doorway.

The blue haired woman rolled her eyes but let the girl down.

Sunset walked past Celestia, "Control that!" She said pointing to Luna as she walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

When Sunset was out of ear shot, the sisters looked at each other and giggled before heading down stairs as well.

Summer had made a variety of waffles and pancakes along with bacon for everyone but Sunset. The eldest woman got into a conversation with Sunset about the comics she'd borrowed; listing off the ones she'd liked. Luna was more than happy to join into that conversation. Celestia even had a few things to say.

After breakfast, Celestia and Sunset helped Summer clean up the kitchen. As soon as they were done, Luna suddenly appeared behind them and plopped red and white hats on their heads.

"I swear she has a sixth sense for knowing when we finished cleaning." Celestia sighed.

"I thought you said you left the hats at home?" Summer questioned.

"We did." Sunset and Celestia said in unison.

The three went to the living room, Luna and Sun excitedly sitting on the floor by the tree with Chrysalis sitting half asleep on the arm chair. The three women sat on the couch and Luna looked to her father excitedly.

"Alright!" Sun said, "The rules are: everyone gets a present and when I say go, we open them at the same time."

Sunset chewed her lip. The entire situation was awkward for her but, for once she prided herself on being able hide her facial expressions.

Turns out, the need to hide her emotions didn't last long. After a couple presents, Sunset felt comfortable and was thankful no one really made a big deal about it. It was just a fun experience between everyone. There was no pressure to thank anyone as no one would say who got who what.

"Now, we got one present left for each!" Sun said, "Then if you need to, take a nap."

He looked between Chrysalis and Sunset who too was still drowsy.

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