Christmas Shopping

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Sunset took a seat next to Celestia in the consultation room and started to nervously drum on her phone with her fingers. She really did hate hospitals but this was a trip she hoped to leave unscathed. It's been exactly six weeks since the accident and, the day before, Celestia thought it was time to check in with the hospital when she watched the younger girl trip over the couch and wacked her casted hand off the coffee table without so much as a complaint.

"Calm down, Sunset." Celestia comforted, "You're OK."

She smiled up at Celestia, "I know but I just want to carry things properly and get hit in the stomach with dodgeballs!"

Celestia laughed as Sunset was practically bouncing in her seat, "I don't think I have ever heard that one before."

Sunset laughed as a doctor came around the corner and smiled at her, "Doctor Red Wing, Long time no see."

He chuckled, "You seem lively miss Shimmer. When I saw a doctor looking over your x-rays, I had to see how you were doing. You were quite the talk for a while after you left."

Sunset shrugged, "I try."

Both him and Celestia chuckled, "Well, I have to go. I'm not actually supposed to be in this section."

Sunset chuckled and waved as he went back to work. Not long after, Doctor Horse came back with her X-Rays and smiled. He set them up on the display and went through his routine explanation and comparison. In all honesty, Sunset didn't listen to a word, just mentally compared the six sheets of plastic; two for her ribs and one for her wrist and hand.

They were drastically different. You could definitely see the break in her bones, and, what she didn't know, her wrist was broken in three different places. Now though, the new X-rays showed absolutely no abnormalities.

Sunset tuned back in just as the Doctor said, "Let's go get that cast off."

It was an interesting process involving a weird looking saw, weird looking tongs and medical scissors. Celestia had to calm Sunset down when he brought out the saw but he explained that it simply vibrated and it wouldn't actually cut her so, Sunset reluctantly held her arm still. Celestia couldn't help but quietly chuckle at Sunset's curiosity and took pictures.

Once the cast was off, Sunset was out of that chair faster than Rainbow Dash on game day. She only stayed long enough to say 'thank you' to the Doctor and navigate her way out of the building, Celestia not too far behind.

In the car Sunset slammed her left fist into her rib cage then...laughed?

"Don't hurt yourself please." Celestia begged.

"Sorry." Sunset said sheepishly, "Just making sure."

Celestia rolled her eyes and smiled as she drove home.

"Why are we going home?" Sunset asked, "Aren't we going back to the school for the afternoon?"

Celestia pursed her lips, "I thought we could get some Christmas shopping done so Luna can't spy on us."

"Christmas shopping?" Sunset questioned.

"Yes, it's two weeks from now." Celestia told her.

Sunset smacked her cheeks, "Pony feathers, I completely forgot!"

"It's fine Sunset, you've been through a lot in the last few months." Celestia said in an attempt to console the girl.

"I know but the girls and I drew for our secret Santa's last week and I still have no idea what to get mine." Sunset pouted.

"Who did you get?" She asked, "Maybe I can help."

"Pinkie Pie." Stated Sunset, "She's super hyper, loves sweets and throwing parties and is one of the best baker's I know. She also has this pet stuffed alligator named gummy."

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