Done With Me

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Saturday was a busy day for Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. Celestia had discussed with the school board the nature of the damages to the school. Luna had helped come up with the idea of a gas main explosion which seemed to please the board., claiming that the school was old and it needed to be checked anyway, the explosion had in fact, saved time.

They had spent the rest of the day talking to the police and overseeing the crews tarp up the front of the school with promise of filling the hole at some point during the week. Both sisters were happy to flop down on the couch, tea in hand.

"So," Luna spoke after a while, "You're sure Miss Shimmer was telling the truth?"

"For the fifth time today, yes." Celestia said, "I just hope she can clean up her act."

Luna shrugged, taking a sip of her tea, "We did."

"Yes," Celestia said with a frown, "But we had mom and dad to help us. As far as I can tell, Sunset has no one here."

"Well she is an illegal immigrant." Luna pointed out.

"Very funny." Celestia smirked but it darkened after a moment. "I'm just afraid for her safety."

"I am too." Luna said, "But if we interfere, I believe it will make the transition harder."

Celestia nodded knowingly. Her and Luna had their fair share of rebelliousness, more so Luna but they each got into more trouble than they cared to admit. When they first caught Sunset picking on another student, they had kept an eye on her. As it progressed, they noticed patterns they both had seen in themselves. Sure enough, she had her ultimate defeat.


Sunset spent her weekend working a four-hour shift at the Sushi Bar on Saturday but the majority of it was spent laying on her cot in a silent reflection. Well, kind of silent. Every so often Sunset would yell loudly and punch the wall of the abandoned building, despite her back still being sore.

When she got back on Friday, she had looked at her back in the mirror and saw two thick scars on her shoulder blades where her wings had been in her demonic form, left for her as a reminder she would never be rid of. It didn't bother her though, there were more important thoughts on her mind.

She looked around her room. Since being in this world, Sunset had taken residence in an abandoned apartment building. It was old, dusty but still sturdy. She tried to keep it clean enough so she didn't get sick or suffocate but other than that, it wasn't much. The entire one room apartment was roughly a classroom and a half. She had found that there was a water bastion on the roof that collected rain water and though it was cold, it worked for running water and basic hygiene. She had a small camp cot in the corner, a gas-powered camping stove and a small desk by the small window. Sunset kept her clothes in a large suitcase which she cleaned at the laundromat down the street. The best part was the extension cord she had strung down the alley where she leached power off a pizzeria for her lamp and laptop.

Since Friday, Sunset hadn't felt the same. She found herself calmer, relaxed and most of all, guilty. It wasn't a new feeling but over the years she had learned to ignore it. Now, it had bubbled to the surface as she remembered every single bad deed, screw up and the tears she'd caused. It made her sick.

How could I have been that terrible! She scolded herself, What made me think ANYONE deserved that.

She rolled out of bed and started to get ready for school, not bothering to wait for her alarm. Sleep hadn't come easily to her either. Something had changed in her, she knew that much, but it was too drastic to really be her own will. Or was it? She HAD been a lot easier going these last few months. Not picking on people as much. Or at all really. She left everyone alone until she stole the crown.

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