Enter: Twilight Sparkle

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Author's Note

Just had an awesome day with my best friend and since I just got back (1 am) I guess it's time for another chapter!

A lot of you, through the duration of this story have been asking me 'Are you going to do Anon-A-Miss?'. Well, I am now going to answer that question.

The answer to that is no. I am, however going to explain why. For one, the building drop was what i replaced Anon with back in chapter 26. I honestly don't think Sunset deserved to go through that after the building issue. I honestly don't think that after everything that happened, the girls would turn on Sunset. They defended her to Trixie when Sunset was in a coma, Rainbow was prepared to fight Gilda for her and after the Battle of the bands, it doesn't make much sense for everyone to turn on her again. That is my logical reasoning.

My personal reasoning is that I just don't like or even get it. You see how torn up Sunset was, how she took being hated again, logically SOMEONE would figure out that she didn't do it. Especially if she was that hurt by being hated and pushed away by her friends, why, if she did do it, would she keep posting? No one would. It WAS Sunset who did it, she would have looked a lot more confidant and a lot less hurt by the whole situation. I'm sorry but, I think that Anon-A-Miss, in the end, would hurt Sunset a lot more than anyone else in CHS. But that's just my personal opinion on it.

See ya tomorrow!


Sunset was almost thankful when Celestia texted her to let her know they had to take care of some last-minute details for the battle of the bands party later in the afternoon. It just meant Sunset wouldn't have to deal with her hypnotized caregivers for at least a few hours.

The girls sat in front of the statue as they had been for hours, taking turns running out for food, drinks and some sort of entertainment. Sunset however, read through her old messages to Princess Celestia. With each page, the regret weighed heavy in her chest. She had no intention of moving back to Equestria any time soon but she hated how she had come to leave it. Sunset would do anything to apologize to her old mentor.

"I'm starting to think she's not coming." Rainbow said.

As if on cue, Sunset could feel a shift in energy and, before she could react, none other than Twilight Sparkle flew from the portal, closely followed by Spike.

Sunset was the first to react, immediately going over to help the newly turned human to her feet. It was awkward at first as Twilight eyed her suspiciously. Sunset couldn't really blame her but it still stung a bit.

She flashed Twilight a smile and, eventually, the Princess returned it and took her hand. It was then that her friends bounded towards them and Sunset stepped out of the way, not really feeling comfortable hugging the purple girl. She and Twilight were more acquaintances than friends.

"I have some bad news about those new girls." Twilight said.

"I was afraid you would say that." Fluttershy said, cowering behind Rainbow.

"Sunset was right." Twilight explained, "They are definitely creatures from Equestria."

"Are they ponies like you?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head, "They are creatures known as the Sirens. They feed off negative emotions to retain their dark magic. Their voices trigger negative emotions. That's why everyone began fighting with each other."

Rarity nodded, "That explains why Applejack and I have had problems with our sisters and Sunset with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna."

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