Halloween Part 1

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Sunset got up early on Halloween and got dressed in the ripped jeans and shirt for her costume along with some black and red high-tops she and Rarity found. After grabbing her phone, backpack and charger, she caught a bus to Rarity's, texting her to let her know she was on her way.

It was an ungodly hour; the sun just poking its head over the horizon as she got off the bus. She walked the half block to Rarity's from the bus stop and knocked on the door. Rarity answered the door dressed in her vampire attire which consisted of a black skirt and top under a red leather trench coat. The front of her hair was pinned to the top of her head and her makeup was simple considering her already pale complexion, only applying red lipstick and dark eyeshadow so her eyes looked a little sunk in.

"Wow Rarity, you look great!" Sunset greeted.

"Thank you, Sunset, I just finished getting ready." Rarity smiled, "Come in, leave your things by the door."

Sunset did as she was told and followed Rarity into the house. The entire main floor smelled like fresh baked cookies which heavily contrasted the football paraphernalia around the house. There were pictures on the walls of the entire family, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and their parents. Sunset frowned, she could no longer even recall what her adoptive parents even looked like, much less have any pictures from her childhood.

Once they got into Rarity's room, the purple haired girl pulled her chair from her desk and faced Sunset, "Now, take off your sweater and come have a seat so I can start with your hair."

Sunset nervously took off her sweater and sat in the chair, "Thank for doing this Rarity. I kind of feel bad for getting you up so early."

"Nonsense, dear." Rarity assured, "I'm usually up buy now anyway working on my designs."

Sunset smiled, relieved that she wasn't really her out.

"Alright," Rarity said after a few minutes, "I just made your hair a little more...rugged looking but it still looks fabulous, very you. Now, onto the makeup. A small warning, darling, this is going to take a while."

Sunset nodded and Rarity got to work.

The purple haired girl wasn't kidding when she said it was going to take a while. Sunset sat patiently however and both girls made an effort to make small talk but it was mostly silent as Rarity was 'in the zone'.

Almost an entire hour later, Rarity had Sunset open her mouth so she could add some fake wolf fangs that she assured Sunset she could take in and out throughout the day.

After she was done, Rarity stepped back to admire her work, "I have outdone myself. Your skin tone was absolutely perfect for this."

Rarity went and grabbed a mirror off of her dresser then gave it to Sunset. The flame haired girl looked into the mirror and gasped. It was true, Rarity had done a great job. With the use of red, yellow and brown face paint, Rarity had made it look as if she had thick hair around her face. She also made her eyebrows wilder. Rarity also used eyeliner and mascara to darken her eyes.

"So?" Rarity asked, "What do you think?"

"It's amazing Rarity!" Sunset smiled, "You made me look awesome!"

Rarity smiled brightly, bouncing on her toes, "I am so glad you like it, now, I have a surprise for you!" She sand as she ran to her closet and pulled out a red box with a yellow bow.

Sunset got up and faced Rarity as the other girl presented the package; "For me?"

The purple haired girl nodded, "Open it. Fluttershy and I spent days on this for you."

"You guys didn't have to do that." Sunset said, setting the box on the bed.

"Trust me, Sunset, we did." She said simply, gesturing at the box.

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