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It was Sunday afternoon in Celestia and Luna's home. Celestia was sitting on the couch, reading a book waiting for her sister finally roll out of bed. The younger sister, much like a teenager, had a habit of staying up all night playing her video games and sleeping well past noon on weekends. However, Celestia was a morning person so she couldn't complain. Also, her sister was a groan woman and didn't need her to wake her up.

Unlike most mornings where Luna sluggishly came down stairs, she ran down quickly and located the older sister.

"What's Sunset Shimmer's address?" Luna asked, a slightly panicked expression on her face.

"Why? Did something happen?" Celestia asked, starting to sound concerned herself.

"What? No." Luna shook her head, "I just have this feeling that it's not where she says she lives."

"OK?" Celestia was still confused.

"I woke up thinking about it and I remembered that legally, people cannot rent an apartment or room to anyone under the age of sixteen without parental consent." Luna explained.

"But Sunset's been in this world since she was 10." Celestia started to click the pieces in place, "And she wouldn't have had any ID when she came here."

"So," Luna looked at her sister, "Where has she been staying?"

"I highly doubt she moved from where she's been staying. Actually, I think she's still fifteen." Celestia said out loud, "and we know she lives alone...or does she?"

"We need to investigate." Luna said finally.

"Agreed, go get some clothes on. We can stop for coffee before we go."

"And a jalapeno and cheese bagel?" Luna squinted her eyes in mock suspicion.

Celestia rolled her eyes, "Yes, that too."

Luna ran upstairs to get ready while Celestia pulled on her shoes and jacket, having already gotten dressed for the day. Just as she was doing up her jacket buttons, Luna came bounding down the stairs, throwing on her sneakers and jacket before grabbing the keys and threw them at her sister.

"You're driving!" the dark-haired woman said before walking out the door, followed by her sister who rolled her eyes.

They drove in silence to Sugar Cube Corner, getting out of the car upon arrival.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Cake." Celestia greeted, "How is your day going?"

"Wonderful, thank you." The pink and blue woman smiled. "What can I get you two this morning?"

"Just orange pekoe for me, please." Celestia said.

Luna leaned on the counter to stare into the woman's soul, "The bagel king and a coffee, please."

Mrs. Cake giggled, "You never change Luna. You eating in?"

"Sure, we have time." Celestia said. It's not like Sunset's going anywhere.

"Coming right up." The woman said.

Celestia and Luna sat at their usual table until Mrs. Cake brought their drinks and Luna's 'King bagel.'"

"So, what are you ladies planning today?" asked Mrs. Cake.

"We are going to see what Sunset Shimmer's living situation is." Luna said frankly.

"Oh?" Mrs. Cake questioned.

Celestia shot her sister a look, "Yes, her parents are never in town. We are concerned that she isn't getting the attention she needs."

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